Brighter than The Sun

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Yuna has been diagnosed brain death. Everyday, i visit her talking to her kiss hoping to hear her voice again. Yuna's mom told me to focus on my study but i cant help, i dont want any regret in my life, i want to be by herself.
"Rengoku, you shouldnt come here everyday, your parents must be worry about you moreover your study. You want to be lawyer right? Yuna'll be fine"
"Its okay Sensei, i already telling my parents and teacher bout it. My grade still good even i come here everyday. Thats my responsible as a student and a son for my parents"
"You are such good man Rengoku. Thank you for always by her side. She maybe brain dead but doctor says she still can hear and feel around her." Yuna's mom
"Hmm thats why i'll come everyday telling her that im here. Im sure she's still fighting."
The police already arrest the suspect for this robbery, it seems he has some grudge toward Kamado's family. Their eldest son and daughter now lives in Urokodaki-san their family relatives, it must be hard for them though. As for Yuna, she's been brain dead for 2 months after that incident. Kamado's family visit here sometimes they feel worry bout Yuna because Yuna got evidence the police only need a day to catch Muzan. I cant hate him because what my parents taught me, never live a life with hate or grudge nothing good coming from it. My friend, Uzui and Sanemi worry bout me but i told them im fine i cant give up for her.
3 months after that accident Yuna's mom call me, she says Yuna has been awake. She still weak but shes awake. After hear that im rushing to hospital after school. I take deep breath before open her room.
"Excuse me, Rengoku's coming"
I open the door and i see her smiling to me
"Hi Kyoujurou, its been long time to see.."
Before she finish her word i hug, im crying, im happy im glad.
"Its still hurt Kyou" Yuna
"Sorry my bad im just happy"
"Have you lost weight because of me?you look thiner" Yuna
"Sorry Kyou,im so sorry" Yuna
"No no please dont say something like that."
"I know everything Kyou, you always visit me everyday telling me what happen at school, telling how your little brother, your father and your mom. That makes me happy, i never give up because of you and my mom too" Yuna
She paused take my hand,
"Kyou, for me you are brighter than the sun itself. But look at me now. I cant move my leg,im bald, im in very bad shape Kyou. So please live your life without me, you deserve better." Yuna
"Kyou, i dont know if i can live longer im weak, its a miracle im awake now." She cup my cheeks, i see her eyes flowing with tear. I dont it, i dont like she's sad crying
"Thats the reason why im here! I dont want you to give up! Im here and always here by your side. I dont care what you look like right now. For me, you're still beautiful you're still the girl i love and i want spend my life with you."
"So please dont give up, dont ask me to leave. I'll always be your sun, i'll shine brighter for you and only you"
"Thank you Kyou Thank you"
"I love you Yuna, always, dont ever forget that"
"I love you too Kyou thank you for always be the light in my life" Yuna
I kissed her, i miss her so much.
After that around a week she got therapy for her leg. Doctor said because of her brain injury her coordination movement is still not good she needs to do therapy everyday atleast for next 3 months.
She skips school for a year, Himejima-sensei told she still second year. For a year shes been struggling so much because of her head injury sometimes she passed out, sometimes her nose bleeding.
Its my third year now as a student, she can go to school now. But she still second year while all her friend in their third year now. Even so im happy Mitsuri and Shinobu never forget bout her. They keep hanging out with her. Yuna said they are her best friend. She never walk home alone again, i'll be walk with her i dont want to have any regret anymore.
"Yuna, when we are graduate from high school lets get married"
"Are you sure?" She answer
"Hmm but lets meet my parents first"
"Kyou, thank you" Yuna
"For what?"
"Everything, i mean it Kyou. I dont know what happen to me if you're not there"Yuna
"I told right i'll be there, always so thats why i want us to get married asap so we can live together"
"Sure, i'll be the happiest woman if you're stay by myside. I love you, everypart of me is yours" Yuna
"Dont say something like that Yuna, im a man, i have dirty thought sometimes lol"
"I love that side of you too. Everything bout you make me love you even more Kyou"
"Me too, i already said this one but i will say it again and again. I love you Yuna, everypart of you is beautiful for me. Everypart of me is your and i want everypart of you to be mine so will you marry me?"
"Sure" Yuna
That day she smiles so bright, brighter than the sun. I dont have any regret in my life i love her always.


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