The Proposal

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I hope u guys enjoyed  the last chapter  here another.



The Next day

Lhong made his way to the kanawut's     residence,on arrival he saw both the kanawut men outside tending to some chores.
"Good Afternoon",Lhong greeted.

"Good afternoon", answer both men(Type and his father) .

"I have a message from my father," lhong said.

"Why don't you come in ,away from this heat and have a cup of water then we can talk",said type's father.

"Sure of cause,why not".  Said lhong.

He was directed inside ,with master kanawut in front and Type behind him.

On entering the house he sat down , and as promised a cup water was provided for him.

"Thank you very much," he said after drinking the water.

"So Lhong what brings you here," asked master kanawut,

Type had already left them alone to talk while he finished his chores, so it was just the two of them in the room.

"My father wants you to pay back the debt you owe him", said Lhong.

"I am sorry Lhong but I don't have any money with me,my family and I have been managing the past year, any little money I earned as been spent on caring for my children, please help talked to your father please". He said in a pleading voice.

"My father will not agree again to                  extended your loan time again , for some reason he decided he wants your land since u can't pay back what u owe". Said lhong.

"What then can I do to convince him then" asked Mr kanawut .

"I really don't know", said Lhong.

"You said he wants the land right?," asked master kanawut.

"Yes he does",replied lhong.

"Then he can have it,but let him allow us remain leaving in our home."Mr kanawut suggested.

"I don't think he will agree to that", said Lhong.

"Why not?"

"Because I asked and he said No." Replied Lhong.

"We have no where to go Lhong, please is there no other way I can pay your father, I will do any job he wants me to do," he pleaded with worry in his eyes and trembling in his voice for himself and his family .

"If only there is away to pay back, but my father has all the help he needs." Replied Lhong.

Lhong could only stare at the Man before him in pity.

At that moment Type walked in and went straight to Lhong and knelt before him and prostrating.

"Please help us, we have no we're to  go,"said type.

Lhong experienced at that moment  an orchestra of emotions ,that left him weak in kneels and made him a little slow in responding to the event unfolding in front of him.

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