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Two days later

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Two days later

Type opened his eyes to find himself lying on a bed in a room that wasn't his, he could not regonise where he was, when he heard the voice of someone saying something he could not make out, there was a pounding ache in his head. He turned to the voice and was met with the smiling face Mrs kun and his sister song.

"Hey little man, how do you feel "the physician asked.

It took some time before type gathered his thoughts enough to answer,"I feel tired, my head also hurts"said Type.

"don't worry I will give u something for the pain after you eat something okay"answered the physician.

"Were are we", asked Type to no one in particular

"we are in the palace Type "said song.

"No!, I can't be here", said Type alarmed. "The emperor forbade me from entering into the palace, if he finds out he will punish me and probably anyone who helped me ".
Type was already rising from the bed wanting to leave before a siren pain shot through his lower back to his head, due to how quickly he rose from the bed.

"No, No, that was too fast, you have to be more careful from now on, you are no longer looking out just for your self anymore "said Mrs kun.

"but, the emperor will...... "said type before he was cut off by the woman who entered the room mere seconds ago.

"The emperor will do nothing, you are carring his grandchild after all, you need to be here so we can take good care of you "said the empress.

"What! What! Your highness, I am sorry but, I am not with child as i can never get pregnant, am infertile, I don't know what made you think that I was pregnant, but its wrong and I think it's best if I leave before ................ ......."said Type before being cut of again, he was scared, he doesn't understand why the empress has suddenly become nice to him, 
but it can't be good, and then saying he was pregnant, well he wasn't and no matter how much he wished and prayed he was, he never got pregnant.
For heaven's sake he had two heats with no results, yes he checked after the first and second heat never using any form of protection during sex with prince tharn .
But every time the results always came back negative.
So if the emperor and empress found out they were been lied to, he may as well kiss his family and Tharn good bye cause he will be dead.

"Type, you are pregnant, I found out two days ago, after you fainted the first time, while in your father's house, and since then seven other physicians have confirmed it, cause apparently my word wasn't good enough for the royal family "said Mrs kun, the last part said a little scarsticly.

"Yes, you are carrying a prince or princess of Gusu, your care is of utmost importance, said the empress.

Type looked at the smiling faces of the empress, song and Mrs kun. He immediately looked down and placed his hands on his belly, "I am with child", he thought as happiness and joy overwhelmed him so much that tears of joy fell from his eyes.
His sister ran to him then and hugged her crying brother as her tears of joy fell too.

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