3 Yakuza Cosplay

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Uraraka POV

Darn it!! I internally screamed. I finally get a chance to build up enough courage to ask Bakugou, but no, I had to go ahead and eat his ramen, then nearly start fighting with him! Now I'm never gonna get to train with him. my face started heating up from the events of today, and I have no idea why! I sighed and turned on my phone. Maybe I can talk with Deku without revealing my goal. Even though we're training together, he still goes easy on me no matter how many times I tell him not to. Oh good, he's online!


Hi, what's up

I Dunno just board I guess

You do know it's really late right?

Yeah I know

Well get lots of rest! We start school tomorrow don't forget! We need to be well rested!

Ok good night

Have  sweet dreams and great sleep!

I looked down at my phone, a warm feeling in my heart, but a hint of guilt tugged at it. I haven't told him about asking Bakugou to help train me. sigh, guess I'll have to drag Bakugou somewhere no one will notice us tomorrow. The last thing on my mind before I fell asleep was what Bakugou said at the restaurant. I though I heard him say I'm cute, but he said I looked like dead birds. Oh well.

Kirishima POV

I finally got a picture of Bakugou going out with us for the secret year book I'm
making! I started skipping down the sidewalk from the convenience store, proud of myself for the win.

~~~time skip cause I can be lazy~~~

Before I laid down to go to bed, an idea struck me. Bakugou was acting a little odd today. Uraraka did eat some of his ramen and didn't get beat up, instead I almost did! She also talked back to Bakugou and still wasn't beaten up!Somethings not right here...

I quickly put a chat together for me, Kaminari, Mineta(idk ok), Todoroki, Sero, and Iida. I put together all the guys that I think could possibly help me figure this out. My finger hovered over deku but I dont think he could help in this department, especially since it's Kacchan.

I have sneaking suspicion that won't stop nagging at me

Dude do you realize you just probably woke up half of us?!

... I was awake

Kirishima you do realize what time it is?

Why did you gather us all? I understand me and kaminari, but Iida, Todoroki, andddddd Mineta? It must be preetttty important

I think....

I thighs

Thighs!? Where!!!

Damn auto correct

I am number 1, Not him! • A kachako story• *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now