PART 2; "bestfriends brother"

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I looked down at the words on my phone screen "you didn't tell me you had such cute friends coco:(" I blushed a deep red to myself as I looked at who commented. When out of no where I hear my doorbell being rang,

I got up off my messy bed and walked down the cold wooden stairs till I got to my door. I quickly opened it to a hyped up coco "my brother comes home tonight! you have to come to the family dinner! I hate family dinners without you!" she said to me quickly as she walked in moving her tall body to the couch. "hello to you too" I laugh at her, she rolls her eyes at me "you know my mom loves you angel! please please please!" i sigh to myself but a quick smile forms on my face as I think of meeting ruel.
no angel you can't think like that..he's your "best friends brother"

Hi! I'm the Author! I'll be updating when ever I get the chance! please tell me if you like my book!
I'm thinking of starting a imagine/one shot book about our baby ruel! so please request

love all of you 🤍🤍

A N G E L F A C E; ruel Vincent van DijkWhere stories live. Discover now