PART 3; "wow"

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I look into the mirror at my outfit finally happy with the way it looks. as I add the finishing bits to my outfit like rolling up my jeans, adding a little peace's of Jewelry. About 20 minutes later I grab my bag of clothes because I know for a fact I'll be staying at coco's tonight and grabbing my phone and all my little things I take everywhere. I jump in my car and drive about 25 minutes before I pull up be the van Dijk house.

I hop out the car as I grab my bag of clothes before I start walking up to the front door, I quickly look down at my outfit hoping it's fancy enough for dinner, after one last look I quickly knock on the door. i hear a deep voice say "coming!!" I wait for about a minute before the door opens I expected coco to be there but instead I look up and see the most beautiful boy I've ever seen in my life...I just stand there staring I get snapped out of my thoughts as I hear "hello? angel?" I quickly answer "yes! I'm fine sorry ruel! it's so nice to finally put a face to a name!" he smiles down at my little 5'3 body, I immediately blush hopefully my makeup covered it up "please come in! coco isn't here yet she'll be back in about 20 minutes with mom" I nod softly smiling to myself

"rules pov"

I quickly open the door to the most cutest girl I've ever seen "wow" was really the only thing I could think, she had pink hair that was curled at the bottom and the cutest blush on her nose I got snapped out of my thought as I saw her starring back at me. I softly smirk to myself

"this should be a good dinner"


hi again! I'm so fucking happy you guys are liking the book! I've been trying my best at it! please vote and add to your reading list if you like it! I hope all of you are having the best day/night!
356 words

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2020 ⏰

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A N G E L F A C E; ruel Vincent van DijkWhere stories live. Discover now