Chapter Two - The Hunt Begins

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On the day of the Great Hunt, bounty hunters from all over Atmos  have gathered in the Bounty Hunter Enclave on Terra Tyros. Among the bounty hunters in the Enclave was the Shadow Hound and Tal Karr. As the bounty hunters gathered in the enclave, they are met by the Huntmaster who was a large Raptor. 

Huntmaster: Hunters! Welcome to the Great Hunt! I am the Huntmaster! You are all here because you all desire honor and glory. The Great Hunt will give you that and more! 

All the bounty hunters in the room were anxious to prove themselves worthy. The Shadow Hound held an intimidating presence with only Tal Karr remaining confident. 

Huntmaster: But as is customary, there is one bounty in Atmos that only the greatest of you can take. This bounty will crown you the Grand Champion of the Great Hunt. 

Blizzarian Bounty Hunter: Who's the mark? Some dumbass nobleman with too much time on his hands? Or is it some Sky Knight?

Huntmaster: This one's a slippery one. The mark is none other than Baron Amon Gratham otherwise known as the Immortal Baron of Cyclonia. 

Upon hearing this, all the bounty hunters in the room became silent. All knew about the Baron and his reputation. The Huntmaster looked upon all the bounty hunters with a stern look in his eyes. 

Huntmaster: There will be no dishonor in declining the bounty. But know that whoever takes this bounty and completes it will make you champion. If all refuse, then the champion will be decided in a melee. So which one of you hunters are bold enough to take on this task? 

The bounty hunters remained silent. They didn't want to take their chances on getting themselves killed over what seemed to be an impossible job. Karr the stepped up.

Karr: If any of you aren't brave enough for this, then I am. I'll find this Immortal Baron and bring you his head. 

Huntmaster: Will anyone else step up to challenge this hunter?

Shadow Hound: I will. 

Upon speaking, the other bounty hunters began to murmur among themselves as they knew who he was. 

Huntmaster: Then it is decided, the bounty of Baron Amon Gratham will be taken by both Tal Karr and the Shadow Hound. As per the rules, you both will be competing for the completion of the bounty. You two will be permitted to use deadly force as necessary on one another. Will anyone else step up?

The bounty hunters remained silent. The Shadow Hound's gamble paid off. 

Huntmaster: Then it is decided. The Great Hunt shall begin. The rest of you will be given a series of smaller bounties. Complete them and you will earn prestige among our society. May honor and glory enrich you all. 

With that being said, the Great Hunt had begun. The Shadow Hound and Tal Karr would be competing against one another for the bounty of the Immortal Baron. As the Shadow Hound prepared his equipment, he was approached by Tal Karr and a group of mercenaries. 

Shadow Hound: What do you want?

Karr: You shouldn't have gotten involved in this old man. I will be the Grand Champion and there's nothing you can do about it. 

Shadow Hound: Big talk coming from a punk like you. 

Karr: I'm feeling generous today. If you back out now, I won't have to kill you and you'll still have your meager reputation. 

The mercenaries began to crowd around the Shadow Hound in an attempt to intimidate him. It didn't work as he simply chuckled. 

Shadow Hound: You think that cheap shit is gonna work on me? How did you last this long in the business?

Karr: By being smart. Honor and glory won't do shit if you're dead. I'd rather have the money than glory. But I'll indulge you. Because I'm feeling nice, I'll give you a head start. I think five hours is fair. 

The Shadow Hound smirked from his mask. Karr was clearly underestimating his abilities. But he was not about to do the same. 

Shadow Hound: Five hours? Fine. I'll play your game. But as soon as I get a sight on you...bang. 

The Shadow Hound positioned his hand as a pistol and imitated firing it. Karr was not amused by this display. 

Karr: You're time's over old man. There's a new class of bounty hunter in Atmos. And relics like you are about to go extinct. Just do yourself a favor and try to die with some class. 

Karr and his armed thugs then left the Shadow Hound to his own devices. He could tell why Koros wanted him dead. As he prepared his Skimmer, Koros approached him. 

Shadow Hound: I can see why you want Karr dead. He's a cocky little shit. 

Koros: He'll no doubt plot your death. I wouldn't be surprised if he waited until you completed the bounty and ambushed you. 

Shadow Hound: If he tries that, he's dead. 

Koros: I have no doubt of that. What's your first move?

Shadow Hound: The Colonel owes me a favor. If anyone knows about the whereabouts of the Baron, it's him. 

Koros: Smart move. I'm sure he'll have plenty of information. Good luck Shadow Hound. May honor and glory enrich you. 

Shadow Hound: May honor and glory enrich you Koros. 

In that moment, the Shadow Hound boarded his Skimmer and left Terra Tyros for the Colonel's Compound. The hunt for the Immortal Baron of Cyclonia had begun. 

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