Chapter 1

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Another village saved! It was slightly damaged, from the battle that ensued. The orcs, bandits, groaned in pain, half conscious. They ended up imbued into the stone houses by the savior. 

Humans gathered in the village center to thank their hero who protected them from the raid. Many were dressed in bleak, brown clothing. Not too tattered, but not fancy either. Most were pretty reluctant to praise a being of such race, but they were alive because of her.

Their hero, an anthropomorphic tiger. Her name is Tiè. A martial artist from a far off empire of Yiaven. A girl in her late teens with one simple aspiration of becoming the strongest battle mage she can be. Tiè has been traveling the world for a month, traversing the big kingdom of Aeseria, helping people, going on quests to fight powerful enemies, advancing her own fighting skill. 

She was dressed in traditional monk robes. A sky blue gi, which made her orange hide with black stripes stand out even more. Her lengthy tail looked like it had a mind of its own as it brushed off any dirt off her loose cloth pants of black color. An adventuring bag was tied around her waist that looked like a small satchel.

Tiè's sharp fangs would show whenever she spoke, slightly off-putting those whom were saved. "Is everyone alright? No one's hurt?" She asked with a huff, being slightly out of breath. Fighting five orcs at once is quite challenging. 

"Yes, we're unharmed, thanks to you." One of the men replied as he stepped forward from the small crowd. "We already sent a signal to the Inquisition. They should soon arrive to clean them up."

Illegal enchantments were used, and Inquisition, deals with dark magic. Protecting people from its dark clutches.

Some old woman whacked a barely conscious orc over the head with her cane. 
"You should feel lucky that she didn't end you, bastard." Spat on his head as she spoke.

"I'm glad that none of you are harmed." Tiè said and looked around the town center. All the beaten orcs were completely out cold. Her work here is done. 

"Okay, they shouldn't wake up for quite a while. I made sure of that. Seeing as I'm no longer needed, I bid you all farewell." She said monotonously and was about to leave when someone from the crowd called out for her.

"Wait! Your reward!" An elderly man squeezed past the gathered people with a small pouch of gold in his wrinkly hands.

"You really don't have to pay me." This wasn't an official quest after all. She only helped these people because they were under attack. And it's not like they could defend themselves. Fighting orc raiders is extraordinarily difficult. Especially for a village with no fighters. So it wouldn't be right if she took the gold.

But the village people ignored her humbleness and insisted that their hero gets rewarded at least a little. The elder shoved the pouch of gold in her hands and thanked her. Tiè bowed as a sign of respect and left the village before the Inquisition arrived. She never liked or trusted them. Her father had said many times that those government officials shouldn't be relied on for anything. Bunch of donut eating sloths who scratch their heads when the crime is too difficult to solve.

As it happens, she met them just outside the village, on a road leading into a forest. Three Inquisition agents riding horses and sweating from the humid summer temperature. Complaints were being shared between them about having to come all the way from the town just for some orc bandits.

The law enforcers were dressed in their uniforms, gray jackets, black pants and pointed dress shoes. Leather belts tied under their huge guts, with sleek holsters for steel wands in cyan color. Wands were usually ten inches in length and sleek like an elf's finger, much like the ones that were standard issue for the agents. Small cyan badges were attached to their chest in a form of double pan scales to represent their branch of law enforcement. 

They were being followed by one Restoration agent. Dressed in standard uniform of white blouse, puffy black pants, knee high boots and a green cloak that only covered half of his back. A silver tree on his badge signified his branch and he also carried a wand in the same color. They are in charge of fixing anything that's broken and providing care. Be it property damage, or medical aid. A more likable branch of Bolir that helped people recover from caused damages. 

While Tiè didn't mind the Restoration workers, she definitely didn't like the Inquisition ones. The scornful looks received from them while passing by, she definitely noticed. At least they didn't stop her to check on the magic license that she possessed. That procedure always annoyed her.

After making sure that she put enough distance between herself and the law enforcers, Tiè stopped for a short rest. The gold she received wasn't necessary for her because she already had more than enough money from previously accomplished quests. 

A paper scroll was taken out of the adventurer's bag by her hip, followed by a quill. She began writing down a message while walking, "Hello, father. I'm currently writing to you from the western region of Aeseria. My journey is going well so far. I had just stopped an orc raid in a human village. Nobody was harmed, all thanks to your proper teachings. Tell little Dao I send my warmest regards and remind Yuan to stay away from boys. They're nothing but trouble anyways. Like always, I'm sending you money to help out with the family. I hope your dojo is doing well. I can't wait to return. I wish you the best of luck and expect another letter soon. Love, Tiè." 

She rolled the parchment up and opened her palm. It caught fire with golden flames as she summoned her familiar. A golden, sinuous dragon with long whiskers, no wings or hind legs. Tiè told the dragon to deliver the letter to her family by placing it in the dragon's long snout. She also handed him the pouch of gold received from the villagers. With his order received, the flying serpent dragon took off into the sky to deliver the letter all the way across the world. In a few seconds, he was only a glinting dot in the sky. At such speed, it will only take him hours to reach her home. 

With that taken care of, the tiger continued on her merry way to complete her assignment. A delivery quest. Not the kind of work she wanted to do, but the town the quest specified to deliver the item had UGA base of operations. United guild association, where all the quests get posted. One of the many such buildings across the kingdom.


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