{ 11 }

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It's been minutes, they've just sat there silently, Hoseok has been averting his eyes and Yoongi just seems to be staring into Hoseok's soul.       " brother - " Hoseok finally broke the silence connecting eyes with Yoongi.

" you're not my brother, you're nothing to me. " Yoongi scowled. He's practically radiating disgust... what happened between these two?

" I came to visit you. I've been worried. So have mum and d- my parents. You just went missing. What happened ? " Hoseok began to choke up. I could see the tears slowly forming in his eyes. He looked to the side and began wiping his face with his sleeve. Yoongi scoffed and chuckled lowly.

" I don't need your worry or pity. I'm better here. I'm home here. I have everything I could ever need. Don't I angel ?" My head perked up slightly. Why bring me into this?

" I agree your well taken care of here and are getting the proper help and treatment you need" i took a step forward only to take one back to where I was standing.

" So Hobi " Yoongi leaned forward and cupped his lower face with his hands. " why did you really want to see me ?" He giggled. Hobi must be a nickname.

Hoseok locked eyes with me before looking down towards his lap, then back up at Yoongi. " I wanted to try and re-build our broken relationship. I don't know what happened but I want to fix it. So, I want to start talking to you from now on - at least once a week " Hoseok looked to Yoongi with determination. Oh god, this is not going to go well.

" Once a week? And what are you going to talk to me about considering I have nothing to say to you " Yoongi glared once again sitting back up and leaning back on his chair. Yoongi clearly wants to leave.... should I end this session ?

" I- uh. Well how about we talk about ourselves? You tell me about how your day has been and I tell you about mine? " Hoseok clearly had no idea what was going on or what to say. " h-how about your music? Do you still write lyrics? " Hoseok smiled.

" Of course, my angel allowed me to have a note pad and music player. She's been amazing to me. She's cared for me as if I was her own family. " he scowled. " she dosn't lie to me, she dosen't take things from me and she dosen't blame me for anything" he smiled looking towards me and then back at Hoseok.

The atmosphere turned dark and time seemed to slow all of a sudden. " Yoongi, I don't know what you're talking about but I want to fix our relationship. I want us to be brothers again - " Hoseok jumped back as Yoongis fist collided with the glass that separated them both.

" What relationship! Brother !? Don't make me laugh you lying bastard ! I want you out of my sight ! And don't you dare try to talk to my angel again ! " The glass vibrated as Yoongi landed a final hit on it. Hoseok seemed to lower his head before turning towards me with a sad smile.

" Can I please leave now Dr L/n?" A tear slowly lined down his cheek as I opened the door and watched as he quickly walked towards the cafeteria direction. I opened Yoongis room and walked over to him. He was still leaning against the glass with his fist on it. He refused to look at me so I stood silently. No more messing around. Don't get close to the patient. " let's go back to your room. Regarding the weekly sessions with Hoseok- "

" I'm not doing them. And if I see him again again - I'll kill him " Yoongis eyes locked into mine. He's being serious. I nodded slightly before signalling Jungkook over.

The walk back to the room was silent. Yoongi walked into the room and over to his bed. I locked the door without a word and smiled to Jungkook. " thanks for escorting him. I'm going to go check on Hoseok " and with that I walked away.

I'm exhausted. None of that made sense. He talked about lying and blaming him ? I don't know what it all means.

I reached the cafeteria to find other patients and doctors continuing to eat their lunch. Some sat in groups with others and some sat alone. However the room was cheery, a certain aura of respect and loyalty was around each duo of doctors and patients. It was a contrast between mine and my present patient, ours was one of secrets and lies.

I sighed and walked over to the now deserted counter. Jimin glances at me with a look of sympathy. " I see whatever you took him out for didn't go well " he looked away and turned his back to me to continue washing dishes. " he's in the back again. "

I nodded knowing despite knowing he wasn't looking at me. Following the same route as before I saw Hoseok sat on one of the chairs with his head in his hands. " Hoseok I'm really sorry " I apologised rubbing my arm slowly. I'm not good at this.

His head darted up quickly and his arm rubbed his eyes quickly before standing up and smiling. " It's okay, I .... I didn't know he felt that way this entire time. Even if it wasn't perfect it's all I could ever ask for to see him again, and about those weekly meetings, I was serious I want to see my brother more and build our friendship again - "

" I don't think that's a good idea." I stood up straight and looked at him calmly. " he threatened to kill you if he sees you again " I sighed.

He looked down for a second before looking back at me. Oh no. " If you could. Could you try and get him to come around to the idea, Please." He looked at me so hopefully.

Why am I even here ? To apologise ? For what ! I shouldn't have made that meeting in the first place. I shouldn't be trying to rekindle Yoongis relationships, I should be making him feel better emotionally, nothing more ! Nothing less !

The room was filled with silence the only thing making any noise was my thoughts having a raging battle. I'm scared. This is why I didn't bother making friends and I didn't bother the few I had. Friends..... is that what these people are ? A couple of people I sat with at lunch are my friends ?

" okay, I'll try " I turned around and began to walk away. " but don't expect too much " I added.

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