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I sighed momentarily. My house seemed to welcome me warmly but had a certain dull aura to it. My hand pulled on the handle after taking my keys out of the lock before walking inside.

Re-locking the door I placed the keys in my pocket and took my coat off. I hung it on the coatrack and picked up my bag before heading towards the living room. The lights switched on automatically and my computer was placed on the coffee table prepared for my next encounter with it.

I threw the bag onto the couch after taking out my phone. Taking my seat I unlocked it and browsed though my social media's. Truth be told I had no life outside of my job. No family, My friends had all moved on with their own lives and i didn't want to bug them. I had my friends at work but that's all they were, friends at work.

Rolling my eyes out of boredom i grabbed the Television remote before switching on the Tv and focussing my attention of the program playing.

I reached my hand to my neck and winced at the pain that spread through the contact.

'I'll need to wear a turtleneck sweater tomorrow'

Reading the time I sighed. Half past eleven. I'm early, good.

" Morning Y/n, Did you have a good nights rest ?" Jane smiled from the desk. Her smile was brighter than usual. I know why.

" Yeah. How did meeting your sons girlfriend go ?" I smiled. Her smile brightened wider as she clapped her hands together. I was right.

" She was wonderful ! Polite and kind. She works at a local charity and is extraordinarily caring. My son was so happy that I got to meet her. She even helped make dinner with me " She smiled her eyes filled with joy.

" I'm glad to hear. Well, I've got to get to work. Have a nice day Jane !" I waved walking down the hall.

I walked passed the cafeteria and stopped. How much does he get fed ? Momentarily, I pondered. Screw it. Walking into the cafe I grabbed a packet of crisp and a bottle of orange juice. If he doesn't want it then I'll have it.

Reaching my patients door I reached my hand to my covered neck and sighed before entering.

I looked to the right to see the same figure sat crossed legged on his bed. His eyes judged me once again but they seemed slightly confused. He didn't expect me to come back. It was like yesterday. It felt as if I was repeating the entire introduction of yesterday's events.

" Good Morning Yoongi " I spoke taking the same seat as yesterday and placing the file from my pocket on the table. The chair had been placed back under the desk and light was fixed allowing me to see him. His hand was handcuffed to the headrest.

Realising i could preform another experiment I internally smiled " Oh, here " I swung my arm back and threw over the crisp and drink. The trough wasn't the best as the crisp hit the side of his cheek but luckily the drink landed in his lap. He didn't flinch he just moved back from the crisp attack.

He's not paranoid of fast movement. Good.

He eyed the crisp and drink that were rested in his lap before looking back at me tiredly. " what's this for angel ? " he asked cocking his head to the side. " Are you warming up to me already ?" Giggling, he smiled. His eyes filling with craze once again. " Or have you had enough poisoned them? " he asked with a now straight face.

" No, I just don't want to get fired for starving my patient " I shrugged clasping my hands and laying them on the table. He quietly began to open the crisp and began to eat.

I watched unbothered if he thought it was creepy or not. He's obviously not as ill as the hospital thinks. He knows what he's done and he doesn't care. Maybe the so called voice's tell him too ? But that wouldn't make sense. He seems to be able to block them out unlike others. Maybe his other personality. But he's had the same two since Yesterday. Crazed and calm. He just sometimes shows one more than the other, that's normal to lean towards one emotion even if your ill or not. My eyes turned towards the wall away from him as my thoughts crossed over one and other.

Min Yoongi x Reader / MentalWhere stories live. Discover now