Fear and laughter.

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Auroras POV

Falling asleep I start to dream.

As I raise up I put my hand on her forehead she is so cold . Why is she so cold?
"Mother?... no response. "Mother please wake up. Still nothing. I start to cry.
I put my head on hers tears dropping On pale lifeless cold face. "Mama I am begging you wake up"
My father walks up behind me,  "your mother cannot be with you anymore"
I start to sob I drop down over her body and lay there and cry. "Nooo mama wake up please don't leave me your promised!" I shout sobbing.

My eyes shoot open as tears roll down my face I look over at mother. Her chest going up and down. I sigh with relief. Thinking about my dream I start to sob.
Mother I guess hears me because she starts to move and open her eyes to look at me And Mumbles something to me.
"Mother go back to sleep"  I say choked up barley able to speak. She notices.
"Beastie what's the matter?"
I turn way from her not Able to face her.
She pulls me down toward her and wraps a wing around me. "Whatever's wrong I am here baby girl you can tell me when your..
But before she can finish I wrap my arms around her and start sobbing not being able to stand it anymore.
"Please Don't leave me mother" I sob.
"Wha.. I interrupt again.
" promise you will never leave me !
"Beastie what happend baby?" She asks softly.
I mutter it her chest.
"I can't hear you look at me"
I raise my head, eyes red nose running and my face soaked with tears.
She gives me a worried look.
"What happened Beastie?!"
Before I respond I put snuggle back in her chest. "Oh mother it was horrible i had a nightmare that you died.."
she looks down and starts to rub my back.
"Oh beastie.. it was just a night baby I am here"
"I look up her" She takes her hand and wipes away my tears and gives me a leaf to dry my nose. "I was so scared mother" I say looking down. "Shh I know baby but I did not die I won't die and I will always be here for you"
We stay that way for a few minutes. Until pull back and look up at her. "How are you feeling"
"A little better but still tried" "that's good" I say suddenly an idea Strikes me.

I stand up. "You wanna come with me to the stream it's a nice day warm enough for a swim"
"I suppose I am feeling up to it" she stands up and shakes off her restless wings and Flys out of the tree landing on the ground. I hop down after her. As we walk she wraps a wing around my side, I smile at her. Walking to The river side. I run and jump in splashing mother standing by the bank. Soaking her robs.
She gasps. "Aurora Fae !" She shouts at me
I try hard not to laugh. "Sorry mother did not mean to do that. I say trying to look innocent.
"Uh Huh" she just says back getting evil look on her face.  It goes dark, "what the" I look up
"Uh oh" I say right as a huge cloud of water is above me and all the sudden drops on me,
I cough as I spit out water
I look up at mother who is baring her fangs laughing. I giggle.
"Wow thanks mother" I say Sarcastically.

Before anything else could be said
Borra drop out of the sky and lands harshly beside us. "Well someone is awake and having fun" he smirks at my mother.
She smiles and rolls her Eyes.
I look over at him as crystal Comes out from behind his legs. She smiles and walks over to me and hold her Arms up asking me to pick her up. I reach down and pick her up and prop her on my hip. Getting her dress wet.
She just giggles at me.
"Mother I will
Be up at the cliff top if you need me.
She just Nods as borra stands next to her.
I walk way and to the cliff side and sit down.  I put her Down beside me. And ask her.
"How is your sister Corra?" I ask her.
"I am fine" I whip my head around and see corra standing there smirking
My eyes go wide . "I throw my hands in the air and shout " are crazy Corra if mother's sees you with me she will Blow her top" I shout not Realizing my voice was Echo.

Maleficent POV 

I was standing talking to borra when hear my daughter shout "are you crazy Corra if mother sees you with me she will blow her top"
I frown. "Oh you bet I will aurora"
I turn to borra "could you help me get my daughter home please"
He nods picking me up and flys to where the shouting came from.

Auroras POV

I look up I shock hearing my voice echoed.
"Crap what if they heard that ?"
Corra looks up scared. For a few minutes nothing happens.
"Hm maybe she did not it hear because I don't think she is coming"
Suddenly I hear flapping behind me.
I look to see Borra and my mother. 
I look back to corra with an angry look
This is all your fault I say as start to back away as they land and I turn around and run.
I hear my mother shouting in the distance
"Aurora Fae Moors get back here this instant"
I try to To Ignore her  as I run but Suddenly I get lifted off the ground I look up to see borra Looking down at me smirking. "Set me lose" say. "I can't do that aurora" he says to me.
"Let me go" I shout as Squirm in his arms. He tightens his grip around me so that  I can't move. He lands back on the cliff side and stands me right next to my mother keep my eyes on the ground not wanting to look at her.
I feel her wing come around me. I look up shocked then I see her mad face. I just Look back down. She turns to corra and says,
"So you Disobey my orders to stay away from Child Once more but you Instead come back to find her knowing I would disapprove but you do so anyway?" Mother says in a really stern tone of voice.
Before corra could respond Borra says To my mother,
"Maleficent I will watch corra closely to make sure she does not coming around again Until you say so" she Nods to him.
And she turns back
"Let's go home Aurora" mother Says In Tone in an unknown tone.
She tightens her wing around me as we walk down the hill side and back To our tree.
"What was She doing with you aurora ?" Mother Asks Sighing .
"What Were you talking to borra about I ask her trying to get her mind on something something else.
"Aurora I asked you a Question" she sighs.
"Nothing happend mother I don't want to talk about this right now"
Mother just sighs.
"We will about this late beastie"
I look up at the mention Of my nickname.
"What were you thinking aurora why did you not just come tell me She showed up?" 
"I was nervous you would get angry and it would put more stress on you I thought I could make her go away myself"
"I understand" she says
After a few seconds mother starts to laugh.
I look up in shock.
"Mother are you not angry?"
Looking tired she says "oh I am but I was thinking your just like I was when I was but a child" I smile.
"I am?" I ask her.
She smiles back.
"Yes you are very much like Your mother"
"I glad I am like you because I love you very much.
"I love you too Beastie" she says with a soft look in her eyes.

Hope you like it!😇

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