My Step Father 1

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(DISCLAIMER: If you are just now reading the story, and looking through old comments being confused, it is because throughout the years I have changed their ages about 5 times. Recently, I took down the story to fix it once in for all. Also, I know in reality Lisa is 10 years younger than Michael, but not in the story. She is still younger than Michael but not by much. So the ages are: Riley - 18, Lisa - 34, and Michael - 36! Yes, Lisa had Riley when she was 16 in the story. Anyways, enough of that and enjoy the story! Oh, and ps.. I will be changing some more things in the story!)

"RILEY! Get your ass down here now!" My mom has been hollering for me for the past I don't know few minutes.

"I'm coming LISA!" I grab my phone exiting my room shutting my door heading downstairs.

I don't know what she wants from me man. I hear another voice besides my mothers and it sounds familiar but I can't quite put my finger on it. When I finally get downstairs I see who it is. My new 'STEP DAD' which he ain't nothing to me. Yeah, him and my mother just got married but they've been together for like 4 years now.

"What Lisa? What do you want." I mumbled when I made it to the bottom step rolling my eyes at her.

"Michael's here." She stated matter of factly.

"Really? I didn't know that." I look over at him and he gives me a smile.

"Watch your attitude." She snapped.

"Yeah. yeah. Is that all?" I stand there not amused by his presence at all.

"Well he's going to be moving in with us temporarily until Neverland gets finished. But I have to take care of some business so while I'm gone he's going to be here. Try and get a long with him." She gives me that 'you better do as I say' look but it doesn't phase me at all.

"Can I not just stay with dad? I haven't seen him in such a long time. Please?" I seriously beg with pleading eyes, but it doesn't phase her.

"No, I don't know how many damn times I have to tell you no. You aren't going over there."

"But why? You don't fucking want me here anyways! Just let me go. I'm 18 Lisa, I can make my own decisions and I want to stay with dad. No I want to live with my father."

"I don't give a damn if you were 21. You live under my house so you going to go by my rules. So stop fucking asking me if you can go over there when the answer is no. He doesn't want to see you anyways!" She raises her voice at me.

"Whatever. I need a juice." I mumble going into the kitchen. I wasn't going to argue with her dumb ass. I mean he doesn't want to see me? But yet he calls me every damn day telling me how much he loves and misses me? She is such a total dumb ass. Like literally.

"Juice. Juice. Where are you? I know I just had you earlier." I have a habit of talking to myself. I search and search in the refrigerator but I can't find it.

"Um, what are you looking for?" His soft voice asked. I completely ignored him shutting the refrigerator door searching the kitchen for my juice.

"Riley, what are you looking for? Maybe I can help you." He offered nicely.

"I don't need your help man. Aha I found you!" I go over to the kitchen counter and get my bottle of apple juice.

"That's what you were looking for? I could've told you." I give him a 'your stupid look'.

"Look, Riley I came in here to talk to you."

"Yeah, well you see that picture right there?" I point to the one of me on the refrigerator door that my mom hung up. "Talk to it." I take the last drink of my juice before throwing the bottle away.

"Riley, I'm really trying here. I don't want our relationship to be toxic."

"For starters, we have no relationship. Second, there will never be a relationship. Three, I don't care what the hell you are trying to do. Four, I just simply hate you. Five, we are done here." He stands there speechless not knowing what to say. I give him a once over look before walking passed him, heading upstairs to my room.

Why? Why does this world hate me? Everything was perfectly fine 4 years ago. There was no Michael. There was no heart break. There was no hostility. We were just one big happy family. Now, I can't even see my father. My mom says it's his fault why the marriage didn't work.

She keeps telling me he wants nothing to do with me when literally he calls me multiple times a day to see how I'm doing. She won't let me live with him. I am 18 I can make my own decisions.

My mom literally hates me. She treats me like garbage. Doesn't have a care in the world. I wake up wanting to die. Ever since she's gotten with Michael she's been completely different towards me. It's always about him. She never has time for me. But yet she never lets me out to go do stuff. Speaking of the devil here she comes barging in my room.

"Why the hell do you have to act up all the time?!" She basically yells in my face.

"I'm not acting up! If I don't want to have a fucking relationship with him then I don't have to!" I spit back into her face.


"Go to hell LISA!" She slaps me in the face really hard twice, before storming out of my room slamming my door behind her. I lay on my bed holding my stinging cheek with tears rolling down my face. I heard my door open and close.

"A-are you okay?" I know damn well he didn't just welcome himself into my room. I sit up with a wet face letting go of my cheek.

"Does it look like I'm fucking okay!?" When he seen my handprinted cheek his eyes got wide.

"Oh my god what happened to you?" He started walking over to me but I stopped him.

"Don't act like a dumb ass! Stop acting like you fucking care. This happened because of you!" He continues walking over to me coming closer until his cold hand came in contact with my cheek. I push him away.

"Get the fuck away from me! You caused this!" He looks at me stunned.

"H-how did I cause it?"


"B-but I was just tellin he-"

"I DON'T GIVE A DAMN! GET THE HELL OUT!" He looked saddened but I didn't fucking care. His baby childish ass told on me. He caused this too fucking happen!

I can't believe I let him touch me! He did this shit! I despise him. He caused this mess. I fucking hate it! But I lay down on my bed cuddling my blanket drifting off into a bad sleep.

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