My Step Father 19

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It is Saturday morning, and as predicted I was alone. Wow, for the past two days it has been like that. I got up heading towards my bathroom so i can take my shower, to start my day. Running my shower water waiting for it to heat up, I brushed my teeth. I got undressed, leaving my clothes to the side.

I did my daily shower which takes me about an half an hour. I get out and I just stare at myself in the mirror. What have I turned myself into? Possibly being pregnant by my step father? I'm really just praying that it is the sushi. Because that shit was nasty but I was hungry. Thinking back, there is a high percentage that I am indeed pregnant. We never once used protection and never was I on any type of birth control. Which was a stupid ass idea knowing how many times we have had sex.

I decided it was time to get dressed to go buy a pregnancy test. I have to be very discreet but it doesn't work out that way. Michael, he was in the living room by himself on his phone. I knew I wasn't getting out of it that easily, but I tried.

"Hey you, where you going?"

"I'm just going out." I mumbled. I opened the door just for it to be closed. I turned around and there he was.

"I don't get no goodbye kiss or anything?" He pouts.

Usually when we kiss we end up naked somehow. That's what I am trying to avoid. All I give him was a small peck. He clearly was not satisfied with that.

"What kind of kiss was that? I want a real one." He takes charge and pulls me in for the kiss. It wasn't like it usually would be. But still that small kiss made my mind go foggy.

"I love you.."

"I love you, Michael." And he let me go. I'm honestly surprised that he didn't ask me to let him go with me. I would have said no anyways.

I sighed getting in my car heading to the closest CVS. It was about 30 minutes away but LA traffic is horrible so it took me about an hour and a half just to get there. I honestly hate going out into public. People recognize me all the damn time and I hate it. Thanks mom for making me look like your ugly trifling ass.

I parked my car closest to the door.. I put my ray bans on grabbing my phone getting out. I shouldn't even be doing this. I hope no one notices me. I hurry in and I go straight towards the pregnancy aisle. Damn why are these so fucking expensive?! I mean the more expensive the better, right? Fuck this, I'm just going to buy one of all the expensive ones.

I did self checkout because I don't need people asking me questions on why I need so many. It is none of their damn business! After paying almost $150 worth of pregnancy tests it was damn well time to go home. Fuck, he is going to be there. What am I going to do? Just be very slick about it.

After about 2 hours of trying to get home I finally made it. I see my stupid ass mother is back. Oh fuck, this isn't good at all. She is always nosy as hell. Asking me 25,000 questions for no damn reason which is never any of her fucking business.

I quietly unlock and open the door to find them nowhere to be found. Michael's car is here so they have to be here somewhere. I ran up the stairs and I heard voices. And they kept getting closer. I followed the sounds that were leading straight to my moms room. When I got there all I could hear was her moaning, begging Michael for more. When I heard his voice in that room, tears were falling down my face. I felt my heart drop to my stomach.

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