My Step Father 25

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Not this again. Why does he always do this? Obsessed with putting me in horrific confusing situations. But damn if I didn't love him as much as I do. I give in to him so easily because I mean he looks so fucking good, but he knows where my weaknesses are and uses them against me. Plus his ladies man charm that can just win any woman's heart in just a second. He doesn't even have to try putting time into actually finding a woman, 97% of the women in the world want him. The main problem is because of his name, it's what they want. Not the man himself. He isn't a hard man to love. There is a lot that comes with him, but if they were just with him for the man and not the name, you'll find out there is more to love. Way more to love.

"Can we not have a normal conversation without you wanting to fuck me?" I managed to say after a couple of minutes being in my thoughts.

He backs away from me, allowing me to turn around to face him.

"No, we can't have a normal conversation. It's time for me to go home anyways. Can I please spend time with my daughter?" He sighs running his fingers through his hair.

"Why can't we talk? Michael, we need to be working together here not fighting. I don't want Jayla having 2 toxic parents in her life. Not if we can develop a parent friendship relationship and raise our daughter the proper way." He shook his head no.

"No, the proper way is for you and my daughter to be coming home with me so we can be a family. Not with another man who isn't me. But it doesn't matter because what ever I say doesn't matter to you or how I feel. Therefore, I do my job as a loving supportive father and whatever your job is."

Why does he think his feelings don't matter when they do? I just can't drop everything and he with him. It isn't that easy.

"Michael, I do care for you and your feelings. I-" but he interrupts me.

"If you cared about my feelings as much as you claim that you do then I wouldn't have found out yesterday that I had a daughter! You would've told me from the fucking start! I missed two fucking years out of her life because of you! No, instead you let another man into the house hold taking care of my own baby! I want to witness all of my children's first words and their first steps! That is something that I want to take too the grave with me! But no, I didn't get to fucking witness any of those things because of YOU! Instead you had another man raise my daughter! And now she is fucking calling him daddy! You don't understand how much that broke me! It hurt me more than the fucking Chandlers case! And I went through HELL during the trial!"

Tears were falling down his face hard. I started crying. I'm such a bad mother. Why did I think keeping her away from him was the right idea? I'm such a horrible mother. I don't deserve her. I knew Michael would love her. Why was I stupid?! Because I was selfish.

"I-I'm sorry, it's my fault ok? I'm stupid, I get it! I'm not cut out to be what every one expects me to be! I can't even be a good mother to my daughter! I don't deserve someone like her, but she's the only thing that I have that is you. I fucked up. I'll never forgive myself for any of the pain that I have caused you in the past several years. Especially moments that can't be replayed. I can never be good enough for her and I know that. I still don't know how to be a mother. I can't offer what you can give to her. I love her, God I love my baba and I would do anything for my chunky bean. I will kill for her, I really would. But I'm just not good enough for my little bean. S-so, I want you to take her just for a few weeks. It's the least I can do." I fucking hate myself. I rather my little chunky bean be with him rather than myself. I don't deserve her beautiful little soul. Besides, she needs to spend time with her real father.

"W-wait, Riley.." I didn't allow him to finish because I ran off into the house.

Going inside of her room I started bawling my eyes out. I grabbed her suitcases packing some of her clothes. I'm sure Michael will take her shopping so I'm not going to pack a lot. Zipping her suitcases I wheeled them out into the living room.

"Hey little bean, where you at?" Hearing her little giggles she pops out of her playroom running over towards me.

I'm going to miss her laugh. Seeing her beautiful angelic face. Her craziness. But I know it is the right thing to do. I grabbed her hand helping her down the stairs. I grabbed her bags taking her outside to Michael.

"There's my little peanut." She ran over to him giving him the biggest hug ever. It warmed my heart.

"Hey mommy's little bean, you are going to stay with your daddy for a little while ok? But mommy will be back I promise." She gave me a questioned look like she didn't understand anything I just said. Which she wouldn't considering she's only 2 years old. I gave her a kiss and a hug before Michael put her in the car seat he bought.

I walked away before changing my mind on just keeping her here. That is until he stops me.

"Riley, wait.."

"No Michael just go. Go spend time with your daughter." He sighs in defeat walking back to his car, driving away. I walked back inside shutting and locking the door.

"So you're just going to give our daughter to a stranger without even talking to me about it first?"

"Would you just stop? Michael has done nothing wrong. It is my fault that all of this stuff is happening not his."

"All your fault huh? You know I don't know what hurts the most, you still being in love with him or sleeping with him without telling me about it." I looked over at him guilt written all over my face.

"Oh, you didn't think I knew about that? Well baby you don't know me very well. How could you Riley? After everything I have done for you and Jayla."

"Oh like you're so innocent! I walked in on you having sex with your ex in my damn house! Only a few weeks after Jayla was born! But you couldn't hear me because she was screaming her head off like she was dying! But guess what?! I LET IT GO WHEN I SHOULDN'T HAVE!" I shrieked walking over towards him.

Before I could reach him he slapped me. Slapped me so hard that I fell to the floor.

"Don't you ever raise your voice at me again. Understood?!" As soon as I fell he yanked me by the shirt screaming in my face before making me hit my head hard on the floor.

All I did was cry in pain. I didn't think he was this kind of man. Not now not ever. This is what I deserve. All of this.

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