Chapter 17

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I was searching through my parents room, now my room, looking through their old stuff.

Photos, notes, letters, etc.

But I was looking at one in particular. It was my mom and dad, myself and a little girl, slightly younger than I was in the photo, but not by much.

I looked at the hologram system and decided to babe a little "chat" with the wizard.

I turned it on, seeing him answer after a few minutes.

Ozpin: Y/n

Y/n: bitch face

Ozpin; have you decided to stop this rampage of yours?

Y/n: no, but I have a question for you

I showed him the photo.

Y/n: who's the girl? You sent huntsmen to kill my parents and she was obviously there when it happened. Who is it?

Ozpin: why should I tell you?

Y/n: trust me when I say this, if you don't I'll make your death a lot more painful

He looked at me and sighed.

Ozpin: she was your sister

Y/n: what?

Ozpin: she was your sister. We had to, how do I say this. We had to confiscate her

I felt a tear appear in my eye, but my rage burst out.

Y/n: why?! Why would you do that?! Why would you do any of this?!

Ozpin: I'm sorry to say this but I had too. You parents knew too much and they put the balance and peace of Remnant at stake and your sister was the Fall maiden. You were not important at the time, so I let the Rose family take you in

I balled my fist up and I felt my eye twitch.

Y/n: so you kidnapped a child, killed their family and caused the fall of the 4 academies-

Ozpin: I did not-

Y/n: you did! If you let this go as they had been, this situation wouldn't be happening! My parents would be alive and everything would be peaceful!

I glared at him.

Y/n: where is she?

Ozpin: right below Beacon, contained. But let me say this Mr. L/n. I made the Relic of Knowledge much harder to find than the other relics. You won't find it

I glared at the hologram but chuckled.

Y/n: it doesn't matter if we do or not. Prepare to die Ozpin. Your time is coming to an end

I then shut off the hologram.

I looked at the picture, looking at the girl.

I then walked down to the others.

Y/n: guys, I know where the Fall maiden is. And apparently, she's my sister

Juvia: where is she then?

Y/n: well I had a chat with the wizard and they have her. Under Beacon. "Contained" as he put it

Lindel; jeez, is this the lowest that guy has gone?

Y/n: I don't know, but regardless. Our final part of revenge, the fall of Beacon, is nearing. It's time for them to follow the rest

I looked at Grey.

Y/n: can you get us those bullets to stop Pyrrha's semblance?

Grey: we just need one and I made a few

Y/n: good

Ruby POV

I looked at Crescent Rose, making sure she was ready to fight what was coming.

I saw Yang looking over her gauntlets.

Ruby: Yang?

She looked up.

Yang: yeah Ruby?

Ruby: why did we do it? Why did we turn our brother against us?

Yang: we didn't try to

Ruby: but we did. It's our own fault he's doing this. Is there anyway to stop him?

She looked down.

Yang: maybe, I don't know

Ever since Y/n left, and we thought he killed himself, a bunch of teams fell apart, barely able to function with a clear head, including us.

He didn't do anything to anyone and yet we took and stole everything from him.

He just wanted to live his life. And we wouldn't allow him.

Ozpin POV

I looked at my cane, making sure it was ready to help combat what was coming.

He would target me and his bullies. He would send one of his grunts after the Maiden and search for the relic without hope of finding it.

He says we won't win but i know we will.

The good guys always win.


I looked at the others, all of us standing around a table. A map of Beacon covered the top and as I explained the plan.

Y/n: when we land, we'll be right in front of the school. I'll use my semblance of tome manipulation to get into Beacon. I'll unpause all of you, making sure you can stop Pyrrha's semblance and distract them for a few minutes at least after I deactivate it

I pointed to an underground area.

Y/n: my sister will be here. As soon as I get her, we'll search for the vault. If unsuccessful, we'll come out and find help you guys. Understand?

They all nodded.

I smiled.

Y/n: before we start though, I want to say something to everyone here. If we fail, it will not matter. We've done what we've needed to do. But the people in this room are the most important people in our lives. A family will always watch over each other

I put my fist in the middle.

They all put their fist in the middle, one by one.

Y/n: no matter happens, no matter who wins, I want to say this. We are a family. Try as they might, no one can take that away

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