The Chapter I Couldn't Figure Out A Name For

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Naruto, once again, didn't get any sleep. He was up all night making the seal for Gaara. Once he had finally finished the seal, he tried to put it on Gaara. The only issue was Shukaku.

Shukaku would not let Naruto place the seal on Gaara. No matter what Naruto did, Shukaku wouldn't let Naruto get anywhere near Gaara. Even Gaara tried to stop Shukaku, but he eventually passed out from exhaustion.

Shukaku would use the sand that Gaara could control, and strengthen it. He would use the sand as pure defense, stopping Naruto from placing the seal.

   Naruto had tried to break the sand, but it was too thick and it was harder than metal. The result was a broken hand. Eventually Naruto asked Kurama if he could talk to Shukaku. Kurama agreed after much mocking and laughing pointed at Naruto.

   "No luck." Kurama said.

   "Did you threaten him?" Natuto asked.

   "Duh." Kurama rolled his eyes.

   "Did you follow through with the threat?" Naruto asked.

   "Of course. What do you take me for? I'm not a softy like you." Kurama answered.

   "Why won't he?! I haven't gotten any sleep over the past few days. I just want to go to bed, but I can't because Shukaku is being a huge jerk!" Naruto yelled in frustration.

   "Told him that. Said it's a you problem. He also said that if you place the seal on him then he won't have any control. He doesn't want to be shut up, and that's what he thinks the seal is for." Kurama explained.

"That's not what this seal is for. Shukaku can still talk to Gaara after this. It might be a little bit harder, but he can still do it. You'll still know everything Gaara does. The seal mostly just keeps Gaara mentally stable. Because his current seal is so sloppy it messed with his brain a bit. That caused him to be how he is." Naruto said.

   "Are you still ranting or are you talking to Shukaku now? Because there was a mix of 'he' and 'you' in there, and I can't tell anymore." Kurama said.

   Ignoring Kurama, Naruto sighed. "This won't shut you up Shukaku. I promise. I'm only trying to help Gaara. This won't do anything to you. I'm going to try again, so please don't stop me this time."

   Naruto slowly went to place the seal on Gaara. He slowly inched his way to the spot where the seal was supposed to be on. He moved slowly and carefully as if he was trying to get close to a deer. He got close to it, closer than he's ever been... then the deer took off. The protective sand sprung into action blocking Naruto.

   "Really Shukaku?! That was supposed to be our moment. I place the seal on Gaara showing that you trust me. I feel that sweet feeling of relief, and we get a closer relationship out of this." Naruto whined. "Never shoulda trusted you."


   Sakura ended up staying the night with Sasuke. Her parents were on vacation, so she was bored and alone in her house. She decided to spend some time with Sasuke. They had talked for a longtime, mostly about Sarada, and their talked lasted til dark. They were both tired, and Sakura didn't want to walk all the way home. Of course they both knew that she could simply Shunshin away, but they used that excuse anyway.

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