Boruto and Himiwari

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   Hiashi had no idea on for why he was humoring these brats. He supposed it was because the little girl claiming to be his granddaughter, knocked out over half of his men. The only reason she stopped was because she tired herself out. So, yes, Hiashi Hyuga was humoring the strongest little girl on the planet, and her brother, because he was scared.

   "We get to see mommy and daddy again!" Himawari grinned. Boruto nodded in agreement. He couldn't deny he was excited to see his parents again. It may have only been about a week, but he missed them.


   "It feels so great to be back in my original body." Naruto hugged himself. "Now, I can do this-" Naruto kissed Hinata on the lips, "without it being weird."

   "I'm glad you're back. I missed you these last few days." Hinata started playing with his hair. Naruto was laying his head on her lap resting.

It had been a rough, busy few days, and Naruto had barely gotten any sleep through them, so who could blame him for finally getting some well deserved sleep. Of course, that sleep didn't last long because of a knock on the door.

Hinata got up to check the door. A faint, "no one lives here," could be heard from the other side of the door. It was followed by a, "This is where my parents live," in a loud irritated voice. That last voice especially told Hinata exactly who was at the door.

"Boruto, Himawari!" Hinata grinned.

"They're here?" Naruto asked excitedly. He stood up so fast that he got dizzy and dark spots appeared in his vision, but that didn't phaze him for a second. He made his way to the door and hugged his children.

"Your children somehow snuck into my house and claimed to be my grandchildren. Not only that, but your daughter knocked out nearly all my men. You need to learn how to discipline your children." Hiashi said.

   "Hinata, your dad was a dick in the past." Naruto sighed earning a glare from Hinata. "Just saying. He's a great guy now, but in the past, not so much."

   "You were able to knock out over half of grandpa's men?" Hinata asked Himawari who nodded. "Good job."

   "Your kid is scary." Kurama gulped.

   'You're not afraid of a little girl, are you? I mean, you're the great nine tailed fox. Surely you're not afraid of one, small, human, little girl, are you?' Naruto teased.

"You are too. And I'm not sure she is human. She's the scariest thing on Earth." Kurama shivered causing Naruto to snort and earn an odd look from Hiashi.

   "She's currently tied with her mother." Naruto laughed.

   Hiashi guessed that Naruto was crazy and that's why Boruto and Himawari acted the way they did. He still had no idea what Hinata was like, but he guessed she was bonkers too. They all seemed crazy to him, so he ran. He didn't literally run, but he did leave quickly. He did not want to be seen around that family.

"Why did you attack all those men, Himawari?" Naruto asked.

"I don't know. I don't really remember much." Himawari shrugged and walked away.

"They were talking bad about you so she got angry." Boruto glanced at Himawari who was playing with her Shukaku toy. He guessed Luna allowed that to go back in time with them.

"Then it's probably best we don't go out in public too much. With her power, she could probably take out nearly every villager if she wanted." Naruto cringed. His daughter was probably too much of a badass for anyone's good.

   Himawari was a great person, but you wouldn't like her when she's hungry- wait what? That's not the word. Uh... hungry... no- angry! It's angry! Yeah, you wouldn't like when she's hungry- fuck... not again! Unfortunately, a lot of people were going to make her hungry in this time, and it's not like they could just keep her inside until they get back to their time. I mean, you try keeping a kid who just travelled to the past inside. Naturally, they're gonna wanna explore the new- or is it old?- time period.

   "Can we meet your past selves? We didn't get to meet past mom when we were with young grandpa." Himawari skipped over to her family.

"Sure, I think I can get my past self over here in a few minutes. He doesn't know his future self and family are here though." Naruto explained.

   "I want to see where you lived!" Himawari smiled.

   "Ummm... yeah. Ok. Let me just use the bathroom real quick." Naruto shuffled to the bathroom suspiciously.

"Why's dad acting weird?" Boruto squinted his eyes towards the bathroom.


   "How did the apartment get so dirty so fast?" F. Naruto asked his past self.

"Who are you and why are you in my room?!" P. Naruto glared at f. Naruto.

"Well, I'm you... from the future." F. Naruto answered. "How'd the apartment get so dirty so fast? I cleaned it this morning with Hina."

   "You're me?! From the future?! Wow! That's so cool! Am I Hokage?! I bet I'm pretty awesome! And powerful! And do I end up marrying Sakura-cha- ow!" F. Naruto punched p. Naruto.

   "Of course I'm not married to Sakura! I'm married to someone way better!" F. Naruto wore a very irritated look.

"Who's better than Sakura-Chan?" P. Naruto rubbed his bump that now sat on top of his head.

"Hinata, duh." F. Naruto rolled his eyes.

   "Hinata? Hmm... she's the Hyuga with the pretty eyes, right?" P. Naruto asked. F. Naruto nodded his head with a smile.

"And she's really scary when angry, so we gotta clean this mess up." F. Naruto looked around the extremely messy room.

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