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Author's Notes:

First, I would like to thank hneyblueberry  for giving me permission to remake this fanfic. Thank you so much!!  

Link to Original Story:

Second, I am excited about this story and I have a lot of ideas planned for this fanfic.

Lastly, I hope you enjoy the first chapter.


Seokjin could feel his soul becoming one with the music as he unleashed his emotions into the dance floor of their massive practice room. From the corner of his eyes, he could see all the members float and twist weightlessly across the studio, poised and balanced like they were made of silk. It was amazing to witness how the members move in sync with the music like ribbons in the wind. To Seokjin, their movements were elegance at its finest and pain in its true form. The hours they spent practicing their choreography was outstanding, more like terrifying as if they were on autopilot and never got exhausted. They were all dancers after all; and to Seokjin, a dancer was the daughter of passion and an admirer of agony.

For Seokjin, dancing was freedom; dancing was like becoming a blossoming flower. To feel the movement of their feet was like new breath for their bodies and nourishment for their tired souls. The passion for music they all shared was one of a kind, and Seokjin was very proud to be part of such an amazing group.

Determination was an emotion Seokjin was very familiar with for the last six years of being part of BTS. And even though he found it tiring, especially on his aching body, Seokjin loved it nevertheless. The devotion they all shared towards being an idol was unanimous, and they wouldn't change it for the world.

"I give up!" A loud yell erupted throughout the practice room, and hard stomps could be heard followed by a loud slam made by the black duffle bag Jimin had brought with him, as it was being shoved against the table located in the corner of the room. Everyone just sighed in disbelief: Jimin had left the practice room angry. It wasn't that the younger was frustrated at the members for not getting the choreography correctly. In fact, it was the opposite, Jimin was angry at himself for his supposed imperfect performance. They all knew it was going to happen by the way Jimin let out outbursts of anger while they were in the middle of the choreography but decided to ignore it, and now they regretted it. Seokjin thought it was ridiculous for someone as amazing and talented as Jimin to have such negative thoughts about his dancing skills because Jimin was one of the best dancers he had ever met, followed by the rest of the members.

However, Seokjin understood that their new dance performance for their upcoming album called Map of the Soul: Persona was challenging to learn, at least for him it was, but he imagined Jimin would be a master to get it right, but realized that even talented people had rough days.

"I-I'll go after him. He's fuming right now but give him time. He's probably overwhelmed." Taehyung exclaimed, grabbing his phone and walking towards the door of their studio.

"Fine, but keep me updated. And tell Jimin to take all the time he needs. We'll be here if he wants additional help." Namjoon stated, furrowing his eyebrows in frustration. Seokjin knew that being the leader of the group wasn't an easy task. The leader had to take care of all the internal conflict between the members and serve as a gateway between the group and the company. It was an exhausting job. Seokjin knew it took a toll on the younger's mind, but Namjoon got it all done. He didn't know how Namjoon dealt with so many responsibilities, but he was thankful to have him as the leader of their team.

"I will. Text you later, hyung." Taehyung replied, shutting the door with a loud slamming noise that echoed in the quiet and empty space.

"So...what do we do now?" Jungkook asked them all, a worried expression plastered on his face. Seokjin knew how sensitive Jungkook could get whenever there was a dispute or a disturbance within the group. He wanted to comfort him, wanted to make him feel like everything was going to be alright. That Jimin was going to come back through that door being his angelic and usual self. He wanted to say one of his famous dad jokes so everyone could laugh with his silly gags, but Seokjin knew his attempt to lighten the mood would only make the already troubled atmosphere more tense.

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