When you meet

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Jane the killer

"Heyyyy babehh you're c-coming with meee back to my place tooo have some funnn " A drunken asshole slurred this disgusting sentence as he wobbly attempted to sexually assault you. 'oh shit! What do I do?!??!' you thought as you attempted to run from the drunk. It was 11:00 at night and you were walking home from the night shift. When you turned around you saw that the idiot who attempted to 'get some' on the ground in a pool of what you assumed was his own blood. Some how out of the shadows appeared a woman. She was very pretty she was wearing a black dress fit for a funeral a string of pearls decorated her thin neck and black heels dressed her small feet she was carrying a bloodied kitchen knife.
You hesitantly stepped back seeing the knife she realized why you were about to run away she glanced at the knife and mentally facepalmed "t-thanks f-f-or s-saving me." You managed to stutter out "no problem, (y/n) by the way you can call me Jane, cutie. I plan on seeing you soon." And with that you walked home in disbelief and not to mention you had to admit she intrigued you a little

Jane the killer

You were currently at a bar at the counter just drinking a little to take your mind off of all the stress you were the only one at the bar save for a few drunks towards the back of the seating area A woman walked in wearing a black dress that fit her nicely And she had a string of pearls covering a small fraction of her neck and she was also wearing black heels and had beautiful black wavy hair she sat right next to you "hi I'm Jane what is your name ?" "I'm (y/n)"
You replied cool and with that she paid for her drink and left a note tacked to the table with a little knife it had her number on it and the note read "hope to see you soon 💜,Jane"

Bloody painter

You really liked to draw and paint not to mention you were great at it
You were an outcast sort of but you didn't have a whole lot of people to hang out with so you were one of those people who just sat in the back of the class and did artsy things the whole class a new student was brought in by a counselor and they walked over to the front of the class and the counselor began to speak to the class " ok everyone this is Helen please be nice to him and maybe someone could show him around the school after class" he had black hair baby blue eyes and he seemed to be a little shy he sat next to you and took out a sketchbook "hi" you said being quite outgoing for you "h-hi" he stuttered out obviously a bit nervous the bell rang and he started to leave but you held him back and said "let me show you around the school?" "Sure" he replied with a faint smile.

Bloody painter

(If this is taken in offense please let me know in the comments below and I'll try my best to make you happy you are not anything mentioned in this scenario besides the good things ok?)

Mr. (Y/L/N)!!!!! Pay attention to the the lesson!!!! Your idiotic teacher shouted as she banged her fist on the whiteboard in anger. your teacher was a total bitch
You looked up at the teacher and tried to pay attention to the boring math lesson the bell rang and you left to go to your locker to get the stuff you needed for your next class suddenly you were pushed against the lockers "hey fag how about you go kill yourself already no one likes you you're just a big shithole" he had his meaty forearm against your neck "get off of me!" You managed to choke out just the the bully was pulled off of you and behind him stood a boy who looked about your age who had black hair blue eyes and was somewhat tall "hey are you ok?" He asked snapping you out of your trance. "Y-yes thanks for helping m-me" you were still a bit shaken by what happened "I'll see you soon by the way what's your name?" " (Y/N) " "see ya later! Bye (Y/N)!" He said as he walked away


"Yeah, mom I'll be home at eleven p.m.!!Yes!! Ok! Bye love you too!!"
You had just finished another argument with your mom it was past your curfew and your mom was totally pissed off. Of course you didn't actually yell at her but you did whisper yell so........ You had the odd feeling of being watched. You were currently walking home from a friends house and a woman started to walk behind you. This went on for a while and it started to get irritating to you. So you spoke up. "Hi Ummmmmmm I was wondering why you were following me do I know you?"
It was dark out so you couldn't make out all of her facial features but she did have brown hair and the eye that wasn't obscured by her beautiful hair appeared to be a vibrant green. "Sorry I kinda wanted to say hi so we could maybe be friends?" As she said this her other 'eye' became visible it was a small clock it went wonderfully with her facial features and her hair "Yes,sure Uuuhh sorry I just was kinda angry from an argument I had earlier."
"My names Clockwork!"
"My name is-". She cut you off
"I already know your name (Y/N)! Wanna hang out sometime?!?"
"Uuuummm............sure, later though because my mom is being a total bitch today." (your mom isn't a bitch)
"Ok anytime is good for me so maybe tommorow we could go meet up at the park?"
"12:00 am?"
"Ok,see you then!"
"Bye (Y/N)!"
'Well that was odd' you thought.


You were at a dumb party at your friends house and you were off to the side kinda chillin out until a girl with pretty brown hair a green eye and one eye was replaced with a clock it looked a lot better than it sounds so you weren't weirded out at all so anyway she walked up to you and said "I like you I think you're hawt aND I'm Im DEFINITELY NOT DRUNK!!!!!!!!" She was obviously drunk. "Hi?" You awkwardly replied getting a little bit weirded out by her drunken behavior. "IM GLAD YOURE NOT DRUNK!!!!!! I AM CLOCKWORK AND I HAVE A GIRAFFE!!! HEHEHEHE!!"
"YAAAAYYY!!!" She said while spinning around and saying 'YAAAAYYY' at the same time
This was funny so you decided to give her your number just in case she remembered any of this in the morning.
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Sorry they are so short.
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P.s. Sorry I only have 3 characters right now

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2014 ⏰

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