Twenty-five bullets

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Ransom pulled away and looked at her, she smiled and held his face in her hand "I hate you" she grabbed his hand and walked out the door back down to the garage to grab the car.
"Where are you taking me?" Ransom said with a raised eyebrow. She pulled up to a small cafe
"since you won't shut up we might as well get some breakfast"
"Well yeah I want to go out all we do is stay inside" ransom trying to make a point. She drove out back behind it and walked in. They were greeted in one of the waiters in French "table pour deux"
"Oui" y/n smiled
"stand ou table près de la fenêtre"
Y/n looked at ransom "where do you want to sit?"
"I don't care, the window is just fine"
They where led to a small white table by a big window showing the streets of Paris.
"So what do you want to drink?" Y/n said looking through the menu as the waiter stood there to take their orders
"I'll have just a regular coffee"
"puis-je avoir un café noir et un thé à la camomille"
As the waiter walked away Ransom just watched y/n read through the menu.
"so how long have you know French?"
"Since I was about five, actually my parents taught me multiple Languages just in case I was ever to move around with family " y/n said putting her menu down to look at him.
"That's really cool not gonna lie, all my parents taught me was that money and social status should be first " he rolled his eyes.
The waiter came back with their drinks
"Merci" y/n thanked them. Both y/n and Ransom talked for awhile but y/n began getting a weird feeling him her stomach. She saw a Suspicious black van pull up onto the street, she just kept an eye on it and soon it drove away.
Ransom grabbed some coffee biscuits and looked out the window enjoying the view "So what other languages do you speak"
" ehh Romanian, Russian, Spanish, German, Italian"
Y/n said looking at the waiter coming up to set the check down. As she thanked him the glass window shattered into millions of pieces. More shots came through the window everyone fell to the ground. In a panic y/n looked around and saw the waiter had been shot and looked to Ransom who was on the ground holding his leg, hands were covered in blood.
"Shit!" She quickly got to him
"You need to get up now" shots were still being fired into the shop. Ransom looked at y/n and tried his best to get up. With his arm around her y/n basically was dragging him out back. He tripped over and fell
"Come on Ransom you need to help me a little bit" she said struggling to bring him back up to his feet. Blood began poring from the side of his head
"Fucking hell!" Y/n was able to drag Ransom to her car driving away quickly.
"Ransom I fucking told you we have to be careful! , this is the exact reason I didn't want to go out in the first place!" Y/n began yelling in the car and speeding back to the hotel. She called Victoria who answered not so politely
" where the hell have you guys been!"
" i'll explain later Ransom has been shot I need you guys to be out in the garage to help me bring him back up real quick i'm about two minutes away hurry please!" Y/n pulled in to see Victoria and Charles running to the car. Charles quickly grabbed ransom from the car and running him back into the hotel with Victoria and y/n closed behind but arguing.
"What the hell happened!?"
"We went to got have breakfast I'm sorry we didn't tell you guys!"
"Are you stupid!? you already know that people are looking for us!" Victoria yelled In anger.
In the room Charles went right to work looking at his leg a large shard of glass was in Ransom Thigh. Charles gave Ransom a sedative to make him sleep but it was gonna take a while.
" Ok Ransom this is going to hurt like a bitch, but I need you to just bite down on something while I pull this out, you're bleeding too much to wait" Charles tried to keep him calm but a soon a he began Ransoms loud screaming filled the room. Y/n held his head down to look at his head she sighed in relief
" The bullet just grazed your head you'll be fine"
Charles was able to locate the shard of glass in his leg and he's began to stitch him up.
"Oh shit Ransom!" Y/n said scared looking at Ransom who just passed out.
"No he's okay it's the sedative kicking in" Charles reassuring y/n. They laid him on the bed "how long is he going to be asleep"
"About an hour or so"
Y/n sat on the floor letting out a big sigh
"This is not a great start to our trip" she closed her eyes and sighed once again
"This is all my fault they probably wanted me"
" do you know who it was?" Victoria said cleaning up the mess
" no but I noticed a black van parked out front by the café we were at but then it drove off so I didn't think much of it and then all of a sudden gunshots were fired into the café"
"Do you think it's them"
"I'm certainly most positive it was them"
Y/n laid flat onto her back

* few hours later*

*Ransoms POV*
I woke up to the sound of laughing but everything was in and out, especially my sight and sound I was able to connect some words together and then I finally opened my eyes when I heard y/n's voice. I stood up on the bed to see y/n in the living room talking to a girl who wasn't Victoria . I Squinted at them everything was so bright and loud.
" well look who's up" said the girl talking to
y/n .

Y/n stood up " well this isn't how I wanted you to meet my cousin but Ransom this is Monica"
"Wow so this is the famous trust fund playboy, he's cuter than how you described him to me, you're very lucky to have him as a boyfriend y/n"

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