Chapter Two

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The bright lights shining through my living room window slowly drag me awake. Last night I hardly got any sleep, after an hour the baby started crying and I had no clue what to do. I eventually figured out that her diaper needed changing so I took one of my old shirts and make a makeshift diaper. What can I say, I'm a problem solver.

Anyways I got her to go back to sleep and once again she woke up around 4 am crying her eyes out. How can a small body produce that loud of a sound? While trying to guess what she was crying about, I had an idea that maybe she was hungry. After all she got dropped off 4 hours ago and who knows how long before that she ate something?

I searched my cupboards for any baby safe food (who am I kidding I was looking for things I could easily smash). Eventually I found some peas in my fridge and smashed those suckers up until it was a creamy paste. Shoveling smushed peas into her mouth I started wondering where she came from. She looked healthy from what I could see and I didn't notice any disabilities. Well maybe I'll find out when I bring her to the daycare center later that day.

After feeding and cleaning the little girl I placed her back in the basket but I thought against it. Even a pile of clothes looked better than the scratchy looking stuff filled basket. I picked her back up and thought about how I could make her comfy. I was straining my brain for an answer but came up short. Too tired to think things all the way through, I layed down in my bed cradling her against my side and waited until she fell asleep before I did.

Slowly I sat up bringing the little girl still sleeping up with me. I set her back down on the bed while I when and changed into clean clothes for the knowingly long day ahead of me. I put on jeans and a clean t-shirt with my signature cowboy boots. I grabbed my keys and picked up the girl with one arm and with the other I picked up the basket she came in. I figure if the police are involved they would want everything related to her. I put the basket in the passenger seat and held onto the girl while I drove.

Pulling into the parking lot of the daycare, the little girl started to fuss. Quick as I could I parked and then proceeded to try and calm her down. 5 minutes later I got out of the car with a silent but awake baby. When I stepped into the daycare center, the little bell on the door alerted the staff that I'm here.

"Good morning, welco- Oh, Daniel I haven't seen you in ages. Come here," April said while rounding the corner into the waiting room. Her smile faltered a little bit and confusion filled parts of her smile when her eyes landed on the little girl. "Daniel I didn't know you had a child, what's her name?"

"Well..I can't really say who she is. I came here in hopes of finding that out. You see last night around midnight, someone rang my doorbell and left her there without saying a word. I called you to ask what to do but you didn't answer so I did it myself." I started smiling towards the end of my explanation. April however looked horrified that someone could do such a thing.

"H-how could anybody do that!? Come here, come here. I wanna see her." April quickly shuffled over to me and picked her up.

A/N: I haven't finished it yet but I wanted to put it up

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