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*still jennie's pov

We got to the principal's office and he told us to sit down, and we did.

"What happened? Why weren't you in class?" he asked.

"I wanted to go to the bathroom, and I asked the professor to do so. And he let me, and then he said I could take my stuff because the bell was almost ringing so I did. And then I left. That's why I wasn't in class..." I said. I looked over to Taehyung and he was looking at the window of the office, as if he was bored, as if he had been in this situation before...

"What about you Mr. Taehyung, why weren't you in class?" he asked, calmly.

"Same as her." he said.

"Okay, I have nothing to do with your personal lives but..., do not make out in the school hallways, it's inappropriate." he said.

"Yeah, sure-" Tae said, but got interrupted by the bell ringing.

"May we be excused?" he asked.

"Yes, and I hope I don't need to call you here again. Mainly you Mr. Taehyung. Have I made myself clear?" the principal said.

"Yes sir.." he said looking down.

"Okay kids, you can go." he said.

Taehyung just left without saying anything, like we didn't even knew each other. I guess that didn't nean any tiny bit to him, whatever, it didn't mean anything to me too. But as I was walking behind him he stopped and I hit his back.

"Hey!" I said.

"What happened between us, never happened, okay!?" he said almost whispering.

"I don't even know what you're talking about" I said and smirked at him and then left him hanging. I walked back to the classroom to meet with my friends.

"Jennie!!" I heard Lisa calling me, and there she was with the rest of the girls.

"Are you okay!? Did that fucking player did anything to you!?" she said touching my arms, then my head, them my arms again. Lisa is really protective and dramatic as you can see.

"Yes I'm fine and no nothing happened, I just went to the bathroom and then went to the library and just read a book, until the bell rang. So I went back and here I am." I said, calmly so they wouldn't suspect that I was lying.

"Okay, thank god! I thought he did something to you..." she said. Well he did but... I sort of let him, and I had fun so, whatever.

"Okay, quit this shit let's just go eat I'm hungry already!" Chae said.

"Yeah me too, I saw the menu for today, and today the lunch is CHICKEN so let's gooo!" Jisoo said, this girl is a hoe for chicken.


We walked to the canteen, I really don't want to eat here, I want to eat somewhere else, but whatever. We need money for other stuff so yeah...

We got our food and went looking for a place to sit, but then I heard a girl's voice, not any girl's voice...


I looked at her and she waved at us, saying hi, and then made signal so we would go to her. Wierd.

"Hey, girls!" she said as we got to her. She was with her squad of course. Including Taehyung. I didn't look at him once, while me and Nayeon were talking, but I could feel someone looking at me...

"Hi, what do you want Nayeon?" I said, calmly. I think that the air now is not as heavy when we talk to her as it was before, I think we're actually getting along. Although I know Chaeyoung hasn't forgiven her yet. And to be honest I doubt she will...

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