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A few years passed and it was Kirohs 11th birthday. You were opening presents with him. He stopped opening presents. "Kiroh? Are you okay?" Asked Dave. He didn't respond. He fell over and Dave ran to him. "KIROH!!!"
You and Dave were sitting in the waiting room at the children's hospital. You saw the nurse walk to you and Dave with a sad look on her face. "I have some good news and some bad news." Said The nurse. "The good news is Kiroh survived...." "The bad news is the cancer spread to his brain and he's on life support... And..." The nurse stopped. "And what?" You asked. You thought to yourself 'what else could possibly be worse than Kiroh on life support and his cancer spread to his brain?' "He might not survive through the night..." Said the nurse in a hushed voice. You started crying and Dave hugged you.
You and Dave are in the hospital room with Kiroh In it. You knelt down and hugged Kiroh. It's okay to let go..." You said crying. Then the nurses walked in to take Kiroh off life support. They took Kiroh off life support and Dave knelt down beside Kiroh. "I love you my little man..." He started crying "we'll miss you... You'll always be in our hearts... I promise..." Then Kiroh flat lined. Dave hugged Kiroh and he was balling. "I'm so sorry..." Said the nurse.
You and Dave stood over your sons gravestone. There was flowers and presents and pictures. You just remembered then that Kiroh never received his birthday present from you and Dave. You went home and grabbed it and came back. It was Sburb. Kiroh had always wanted to play it. But he never got the chance. You put it in a box and left it on his grave. "Mommy and Daddy love you Kiroh and we miss you." You said. Dave hugged you and you and Dave left the graveyard and went home.

Love is a sweet beat (Dave Strider X Reader)LemonWhere stories live. Discover now