4: an unwanted and unexpected reunion.

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(A/n: I'm having the ex girlfriend return and appear in remnant. And I'm making her a yandere. And by the way, I'm changing her name. I couldn't come up with a better name before, but now I can. )

After 2 months in Beacon/ Kuoh academy, Toad and Sango decided to take a stroll in the academy's courtyard. But unbeknownst to them, a familiar figure appears.

????: I finally found you my darling.
Toad: wait, could that be.....? No, impossible,
Sango: is that your ex girlfriend Toad?
Toad: yeah, it is. What do you want Monika?
Monika: I came looking for you of course darling. *notices Sango* who is this whore?
Toad: watch what you say to my girlfriend. Oh and by the way, she's much better than you in bed.
Monika: what do you mean?
Sango: what he means is, he already gave his virginity to me and I did the same.
Monika: you....slept with her? But....we were gonna do that! How could you Toad?
Toad: need I remind you that you were the one who cheated on me with that asshole!
Monika: and I regretted that! Now I want to be back with you! I shouldn't have cheated on you in the first place! So please Toad. Give me another chance. I promise I'll never cheat on you again!
Sango: don't make promises you can't keep. You already had your chance with him. And you blew it.
Yang: I don't trust her Sango. She's up to something.
Toad: !!!! Hold on, something isn't right.
Rias: what d you mean Toad?
Toad: Monika, lift up your sleeves.

Monika lifts up her sleeves. And everyone saw her cuts and bruises.

Toad: I knew it. HE did this to you didn't he?
Monika: * tearing up and started crying* yes. I just couldn't take the abuse anymore. I had to escape.
Sango: that bastard.
Issei: who does he think he is, abusing a girl like that? It just pisses me off.
Toad: I'm glad I have you as a friend Issei. *to Monika* ok, I'm gonna forgive you, but you're gonna earn back my trust, got it Monika?
Monika: I understand Toad.
Toad: good.

when darkness turns to light. (cheater Female oc x male oc x Massive harem. )Where stories live. Discover now