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Short Note: I may include some terms from the Harry Potter books (such as potions and things like these if I'll need) because I don't really have imagination for these kind of stuff. Hope you understand and enjoy. 

2024 note: I am re-editing this book, the plot will be the same but I will make the chapters better, longer, more detailed you know it :))


23 November comes in the blink of an eye for Donghyuck. It's like the summer break didn't even exist in the first place and now, while he sits by the window to his bedroom, glancing outside at the front yard where his father is currently loading the car with suitcases, he ponders over the fact that this is his last school at the academy. Time flew way too fast in his opinion, he always knew it did, but now it feels so unreal, to start his last year of school, to start his journey of being an adult. 

He's brought back to reality by a quite loud knock on his door. He cranes his neck, trailing his eyes away from his dad.  

"Ready for a new year?" She asks, a soft smile curling her lips upwards as she makes her way towards him. Donghyuck sighs heavily and gives her a weak nod of his head. The woman chuckles at his reaction, but her warm hand places itself over his nape in a comforting way. "You should be excited. You're graduating next summer." 

"Honesty? No. I'm not ready." The young man admits. A pout lingers over his lips as he looks back outside. The sky is already dark, but there are no stars on it. They should leave soon if they want to make it in time for the ceremony. 

How could he be ready for a one last year at the academy? As much as he despises all the rest of creatures attending this school, he's gotten used to them over the years and as much as he hates to admit it, he is not ready to let go of the chaos his school possesses. The fights with werewolves, the hatred his kind has against the vampires and vice versa, the way the demons think they rule the world, thinking they are way powerful because the do not serve Satan the way wizards and witches do. He will miss this chaos indeed, but his mom is right, he should be excited to graduate. One step ahead towards his dream to work in the Ministry of Magic like his dad does, but to do so he needs to attend university too. 

"Come on." Donghyuck feels her hand reach his shoulder and squeeze it lightly. "Think about Jaemin. You'll be with your best friend again and before you two know it, you'll be attending university too,"

A small smile curls his lips as he looks at her. 

"Yeah, at least that." He mumbles. Something warm and fuzzy suddenly reaches his leg which makes Donghyuck look down. It's Night, the family's black cat, so he proceeds to bend down and pick her up.  She starts purring loudly in an instant, making Donghyuck chuckle. "Can I take her with me this year?"

His mother grimaces. Students are allowed to bring familiar to school and almost every wizard and witch has one roaming the dorms. Last year, his parents forbade him to bring Night though, after an accident occurred on campus. 

"Take care of her. You know what happened last time you brought her there."

The hesitance in her voice is truthful. Two years ago, Night almost perished in the fangs of a werewolf who thought that, pranking a wizard by attacking his cat would be fun. 

"Of course I will. What happened two years ago will never happen again. If someone even tries messing around with her again, I'll curse them for life." He reassures her and smiles, not forgetting to plant a kiss over her cheek. In the mean time, his father's voice rings up the stairs, telling him everything is ready and they can leave. He's gotten used to being separated from his parents for ten whole months by now, but departure is always quite hard for him. He hugs his mom tightly after putting the cat in her pink carrier and takes in her familiar scent. "Love you." He mumbles.  

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