Chapter 6- In Da' Murder Business

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Chapter 6

Imagine: Three folks walking into a conference room, preoccupied with some business men and business women, and the one in the middle that entered the room raises his hand high above his head, as if in the Court of Law, and slams it down on the long table, causing the people sitting at the table, arguing over profits, to look over at the corruption. The man between the two standing behind him randomly questions, "How may I help you?" and a randomly chosen song by the Arctic Monkeys comes on, following with the trio walking out of the conference room with a badass strut stuck to their hips. The conference men and women, follow them, wondering who the hell they are. Their eyes dazzled by the interruption that just took place, about to die if they don't figure out who they were, gives them 50 million dollars in return for their names, and they reply, "Hoodie Allen, Marvel Luban, and Dena Thompson." And take the 50 million and walk out, disintegrating everything in their paths. Besides them of course.

You're probably thinking to yourself, 'What the hell did I just read?!', and probably reread a couple of sentences, if I think I'm a foot mind reader or not. Well allow me to explain.

The first paragraph, isn't true. Sure, we (Steven, Marvel and me) would've liked things to go that way, but they didn't. Maybe in a movie that would happen, a pathetically lame one. But it certainly didn't happen the day after we went out.

Let me begin the night the three of us went out to Gordam Ramsey at the London.


"Oh, thank god!" Marvel complained. "I thought it'd be forever!" He exasperated.

I rolled my eyes. "It was only..." Hoodie-- I mean Steven checked his watch. "13 minutes." He put the key in the ignition and started the car, putting it into gear and started driving to the left. I just couldn't believe Hoodie Allen was driving my shitty ass jeep that was related to a skunk on the genetics tree.

"I can take a shower in 5 minutes!" Marvel boasted.

"That's cause you have no hair to wash!" Steven joked, and we all laughed in hysterics at his remark.

"Whatever!!" Marvel exclaimed. I swear I think he's gay.

Steven reached for the radio, turning on 99.9. "This song is the shit." He mumbled to himself. Don't worry, not in a cocky tone.

"You like this song?" I asked. After all, it was Taylor Swift...

"Yeah..." He said, as if to prove something. Marvel laughed.

"Okay..." I said, teasing that I believed him. Who knew Hoodie Allen as a Swiftie?! He pulled into a spot right in front of Gordam Ramsey at the London, parallel parking five times as better as I have in my life.

"Let's go chow." He pepped, hopping out of the drivers seat. Marvel did as according, getting psyched to eat some damn food.

"Table for three." Steven told the savvy dressed man at the waiting counter.

"Oh, no." The Brit told us, as if we were lost puppy dogs. "You..." He pointed to us. "Can't eat here." He authorized.

"Why the hell not?" I exclaimed.

"Because, you're not dressed properly." He said as snotty as he could. If only I could get my hands on this shitface.

"Yeah we are!" Steven stated, acting mature, standing up strait with his chest out.

"No, sir. You are all not." He pitied us. Then he turned his body just a bit, giving the guested to a big muscle man to come, his eyebrows propped so much they could float off of his face.

The large muscle man walked over, and his buddy must've seemed to caught onto heat was happening, because he was nice enough to join us too. The first man crouched down, wrapping his left arm around my stomach and picking me up, almost plunging me over his shoulder. As he carried me over to the front door, I looked up to see the first mans friend guide Steven and Marvel behind me, to the front door. "Pt his is an obliviation!" I yelled like a rioter.

"Yeah! United we come!" Hoodie/Steven exclaimed, struggling in the process to become free.

"Charge!" Marvel added, and I started laughing, which caused me to cough since I was being held up and all he weight was on my stomach. The big man set me down, placing my feet in the sidewalk directly outside Gordam Ramsey at the London. the building towered up above me, glimmering Italian lights shining out of the glass windows. Wow.

As Steven and Marvel were escorted outside beside me, I strainened out my jacket, that man was rough on me! "Well, wanna go to Tacobell?" Steven asked.

I laughed, following with the reply of, "Yeah." Marvel nodded, and the three of us made our way back into my car, directly in front of us as we turned around. Marvel drove this time, hopping up and down as he turned on the car, warming himself up. I rolled my eyes, Marvel was ridiculous.

As we set off, I rolled my window down and let the cold air push my hair back, rippling behind me. I looked across the water of the bridge we were up across, looking at the New York lights glimmering over the oval integrated waves, constantly changing. Then I glanced into the rear view mirror, and saw Steven looking at me, with a grin on his face. I turned around, smiling to myself and wondering why he was being so weird.

"What?" I asked, curious as can be.

"Nothing." He said, looking down at his shoes and still smiling.

"What!?!" I asked with more demand, but twice as curious.

"It's-it's just, out of all people at that party. You won." The misdemeanor exploding in the moment. I continued smiling.

"Yeah. Some world?" I said, and turned back around. Marvels phone rang, and he picked it up, talking to his 'girlfriend'

"No, it's not luck. It's fucking fate, Dena." He encouraged. I looked at him in the rear view mirror again, not breaking eye contact.

I started laughing, at how crazy that was. How lucky I am to be in this crappy car by dad bought for me on my 16th birthday, with an assumed gay man, and Hoodie Allen. I would be at home right now, washing dishes for my parents. Then I started thinking about Cassie, and how I needed to call her.

I didn't exactly know Steven that much, but from the look he was giving me in that mirror, I could tell that was going to change very soon.


We got our Tacos at Taco Bell, eating them on the way back to Marvels huge mansion. When we finished wandering the house again, we decided to watch The Breakfast Club, which is no doubt the best movie ever.

We fell asleep on the leather couch, covered in soft blankets, apparently from Africa.

When I woke up, I was wrapped around Stevens arms, and he was spooning me. I was completely startled, token aghast at the sight and feeling of a warm breath falling lightly on my shoulder. But when I acknowledged my positioning, I took no time to take it all in, and jumped up, pulling my blanket from underneath his knee. He moaned, and I found my way on the floor, stealing a pillow from between Marvels feet. I had the strangest dream in between the time of falling asleep on the ground, and Steven throwing a pillow at my face, urging Marvel and me to wake up, informing us that we're late for our meeting.

It started out as Steven and me on stage, making out in front of a crowd. They were completely silent, and Steven and I were acting like they weren't even there, then the next second I know, we're in that scene of The Great Race, where the bakers are throwing cakes all over everywhere.

But it was all shattered, like I said before, when Steven yelled, "get up! We're late" and I could hear the rustling of his feet getting tangled in the posh African blanket soft as Heaven.

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