Chapter Seven.

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Parker opened the door but was looking behind him so me and Hailey stayed where we was.

"Yeah just put it on the side mate we can--" Parker turned his head to face us until he stop dead in tracks as he done a double take on me I stood there showing him a nervous smile "Holy shit Vi!" He pulled me in by my hand, Hailey followed behind me shutting the front door.

Parker continued to look me over as he shook his head and laughed "Fuck, you look so different!" He beamed over at me as he kept staring at me in disbelief

"Good different or bad?" I blushed

"Defiantly good! You look hot Vi!" He smirked

"She does doesn't she," Hailey murmered as she joined Parkers side

"And here's the lady that does thing to my team member" he referred to her as he leant into Haileys ear and started whispering something, I'm guessing it was something dirty cos she started giggling.


I left them two to it, no doubt they'll be humping on the stairs, I walked straight into the kitchen opened the fridge and pulled out a budweiser, opened it with the bottle opener that was left on the kitchen side and took a quick gulp.

Dexter came around from the corner carrying a case of some drink I've never seen before probably some hard core stuff that would send me on the floor just after a one sniff of it.

He was wearing a plain white t-shirt that cuddled into his muscles beautifully, you could tell he took care of his body, he was wearing black skinny jeans that hung a little under his waist, his hair looked like he'd rung his hand through it repeatedly yet it looked perfect.

And those eyes, I swear they looked brighter against the white top.

Urgh, whys he gotta be so gorgeous.

I took a deep breath in as he paused to take the sight of me in, he opened his mouth, sucked in a short breath to speak "You --"

I held up my hand infront of myself "Save it Dexter, I really don't wanna know what you think I look like, no doubt it will be another insult and honestly you've already made me feel ugly enough once I won't let you do it twice," I took another gulp of my beer before heading back into the hallway leaving him to look stunned in the kitchen.

"Pull apart you two, let's get this shit over with," I sighed as I walked past Parker and Hailey who hadent come up for air since I'd been in the kitchen.

I heard Parker chuckle as I took a seat on the black leather sofa, he fell down next to me, he rested his head against the back of the sofa and showed me a wide grin.

I looked at him and laughed "What?"

"What?" he mimicked me

"Your looking at me funny!" I argued

"Am I?"

"Yes!" I was still laughing.

"You honestly look great Vi,"

I stood up off the sofa feeling like I couldn't breath "Stop saying that Parker"

"Why?" He frowned

"Because..." I didn't know where to start

"Cos what Vi." Parker jumped off the sofa to stand infront of me he looked down at me with so much rawness in his eyes it was hard to watch so I looked away.

"I just don't get why we have to dress up like this to get compliments that's all." I said honestly

"What do you mean?"

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