Wisdom of a Monk

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It was a rainy day that one time but I had to hit the road. The journey was long and no more time could be spared. Naturally, I was the only one driving, surrounded by natural skirmishes of mother nature. The rear window of the car was hammered by rain and I could feel it almost crack under its pressure. I was feeling weary just like my tires and longing for a rest. Eventually, the rain and wind started growing stronger and the wheel started feeling heavier. Not long after, I started slowly tilting from left to right - so slippery it was! The fear was growing stronger in me and the image from afar was becoming more and more blurry as was my vision. I felt that it was time to stop, take rest and wait until the weather had started looking in my favour. I pulled over to the side of the road, not being able to clearly see my surroundings and hoped that I would not be standing in someone's way. I crawled to the backseat and my head hit dry, cold and stiff cushions. It was a rainy day that one time but I had to hit the road. The journey was long and I could not waste any more time.

I woke up to a noise of something hit my car. Everything felt hazy and it took me a while to come back to my senses and remember where I was. The fog outside was clenching onto the car windows and I could feel its moist smell going through every fracture in the car. I lifted myself up to open the door and look around. I remembered of the noise that woke me up in the first place and went to look at the car to see if the unknown had caused any damage. I could see the outlines of the road but I could not see where sides of the road were. It looked like the path was wide and unending. I do not remember where I pulled over and having examined the car, I could find nothing damaged. I lit up a cigarette and looked at the fog in hopes of it clearing up soon. It seemed to have hypnotized me and I stared at it until I had burnt my fingers by the cigarette butt. I lit up yet another one and a shape of a building started emerging from the mist.

With every puff, the figure was becoming clearer and it soon appeared to be an old monastery. I nearly gulped the whole cigarette in the vastness of the holy building. Strangely enough, the fog still kept its heavy covers around everything else besides that monastery and my car. It felt too strange to me and I took out my third cigarette and hopped into the car. I turned the lights on but the car would not start. The engine was coughing up on something, it felt like, and went out and flipped the bonnet open. The fog started creeping into the engine and every other particle the car was made of. It felt hopeless to try and fix it there and then. I jumped inside the car and could clearly see the road leading to that mysterious place. I had nowhere else to go, so I gathered myself and walked all the way to the door of the monastery. After a few moments, I broke the silence with a heavy knock.

I was greeted by a stranger in a cloak, who welcomed me inside. There were other, it seemed like monks with him inside the building, who welcomed me warmly. I had briefly told them what had happened to me, and I asked if they could help me fix my car or if they knew anyone who would be able to do that. They offered me a stay for the night instead and said that I needn't worry about it. I firstly politely refused their genuine offer but they insisted and said that I would not owe them anything in return. The fog outside seemed to have grown even thicker and soon enough, it started growing dark as well. So I ended up staying with the friendly strangers. Their food, drinks and warm-hearted stories made me feel alive and it felt like I was re-born into a new myself – it felt great to be back in touch with someone else, someone new. And so the day passed and the spirit of the drinks and food started wearing off. I found myself yet again crawling to a soft spot, somewhere where I could put my head on and fall into the realm of dreams...

I was going through a dark open corridor towards some door. It felt that home was nearing the closer that I was to the door. Deep and welcoming sound was echoing against the cold, shadowy walls. I reached for the handle and slowly opened the door only to find a way to yet another, similarly looking corridor. The air grew warmer and that sound was growing louder. I wanted to hear that melody better and understand what it meant, so I blindly continued walking towards the next door. I pushed another door open and found myself in a smaller, less familiar corridor. I stepped into it and the sound was clearer, smell becoming more attracting and somewhat lustful. The other door looked more colourful and was embellished with ancient runes and gemstones. I felt drawn to it and could feel my head starting to spin in infinite circles but I kept on walking forward. I reached the path to the third door, already drunk from its beauty and the noise that felt yet closer than ever before. My hand felt the sensation of pulling the handle and the blood started streaming through my lower part of the body – my head started spinning more in a euphony of the mysterious levels of the corridors. I walked into a red-lit room, glimmering with gold and the silver of the night from the open windows. It was right there - that music! It was coming at me, right behind the magnificently old door. So close it was. I paced forward and clutched the handle. I was anticipating to see who was making that charming noise and what it meant but the growing feeling of lust was overcoming me. I collected myself yet again and pressed the handle – it would not budge. Suddenly, my feeling of temptation was replaced by the urge and angriness. It felt so unexpected for the door to remain closed, while I could open the rest. The more I tried twisting the handle, the heavier it felt and the wearier I was growing. Shake after shake, knock upon the knock and I started fuming and feeling confused. I began shouting and slamming the door as the voice was fading away and the room I was in started growing darker and darker.

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