Prologue Chapter 3: Fate

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Not many would dare to approach that hoard of rotting nature. But he is not only brave but strong! He can back up his braveness and obtain what was his from the start. Or can he? Nonetheless, he charged right at the army of rotting depravity that was hollering in pure glee. They were celebrating. One of the smaller ones consumed by rot and sickness fell to his knees. His with injury and pus ridden face was decorated with a smile, showing his decaying teeth while he was kneeling there, lifting his arms up in the air. "Let my body be the soil on which your power be planted oh grandiose one!" The small soldier looked at his brothers and sisters. "What are you waiting for, my brethren?" He closed his eyes while turning his face to the sky, filling it with praise for his beloved god. More than a dozen hands and blades sawed through his flesh. His companions ripped and cut him apart, spreading his intestines all over the earth's floor. While all of them were dismembering their comrade in a rush of worship and excitement, they were screaming, laughing, and singing while ripping him up. Little puddles consisting of blood and pus formed, creating a portal to another world as pale, shredded hands emerged out of this disgusting display. Pale, rotten humanoid creatures with dead eyes came crawling out of those perverted portals. With their long, skinny limbs they were grabbing the air and pushing themselves out of those gates of bodily fluids. Their thin arms and legs were long and made of shredded muscle and skin. No nose, no ears, just holes or slits. One after another came crawling out of those damned gateways and they didn't stop coming.

 Those creatures weren't looking around or reacting to the worship of the cheering horde. They just powered forward to the living factory that was leading this army. But the colossus, oddly, didn't pay them any respects but rather gifted his attention to the small cube that he held between his two metallic fingers. "My entrails are quivering with excitement little one!" The living factory shivered while saying those words to the cube. "Show me your secrets!" Suddenly, the perverted creatures started screeching, pointing to the sky.  Our big friend put his hand down and stared into the green star approaching the horde. The great comet calmly landed before our supposed leader of the horde before its light faded revealing a skeleton wearing metallic armor and owning bones out of the same material. With heavy locomotion, it took a few steps to present its might before the horde. This foe didn't even take pity by looking at the corpse of the poor tingull djall, before it began to speak. With the sword in the right and a green glow in the left, the skeleton began its demands. "Give me that which you acquired from the sound wielder, abomination!" The gigantic colossus laught with the voices of 100 men. "Yuu xasa grine murxxa hrii, sarxetaa Roo!" His voice echoed through the plains, making the little fragments of life remaining in their vicinity, lifeless. The horde, after hearing those words, grew ever more impatient than before. Only those creatures of demise, those shredded rotten monsters that climbed out of those hellholes, seemed calm. But the skeleton was the one most agitated. Even though calm on the outside, its insides were shaking. Suddenly, little tiles appeared where the mouth would have been, and a crushing voice echoed through the ears of the horde. "YOUR WORDS OF FAITH AND DEATH ALIKE HAVE NO POWER OVER ME, GRAN YOK SHUL!" The colossus looked at the skeleton with widened eyes. He had not expected something like this, but even though he seemed baffled, his surprise was a pleasant one. He raised up both hands as if he was readying himself to hug the skeleton. "How welcoming! You know not only of our faith but also of our tongue sarxetaa Roo." The colossus sat down on the dead grass, pointing on a piece of earth before him. "Please, honored elder. Sit with me. I don't want to fight one of the miracles death bestowed upon us. Let's discuss this." The skeleton swung his sword at the dirt beside him and a gigantic slash crossed the ground, carving up the dead soil. "There is nothing to discuss, monster! Speaking with a stone is more preferable than exchanging words with people of your faith! Now, give me the thing you have, or—" "Or what?" The colossus asked with a smirk on his depraved face. "You plan to fight a whole army? Then let me warn you, my dear Roo." He leaned forward. "We have many keepers of power belonging to our faith, and I have brought a couple of them with me on this holy crusade!"His smirk turned into a furious grin. "And let's not mention the holy mediums of our lord." The skeleton looked at the horde after witnessing those words. He looked at all the soldiers, the beasts of battle. All kinds of people were included in those ranks. Though rotten, one could discern them from one another. Remar, Redrel, Leurm, Kimbans, and much more. All of them decaying, their bodies, ridden with death and disease. Their minds and souls, on the other hand, were full of pleasure and excitement. There were many of them. Thousands of thousands of revolting appearances. The green light in the skeleton's eyes narrowed and the tiles on his mouth disappeared. He then proceeds to stick his sword into the dirt and sit down in front of the man that gave him a choice. "Speak." The skeleton spoke now with a calm, but an intimidating voice. "What do you want you fool?" The depraved man stretched out his hand and pointed with the finger at him. "You. I want you!" The skeleton chuckled. "I didn't think you would ask. I assumed that your kind would just force yourselves on people if you have the urge to lay with something. But then, I also didn't realize that your kind would get off on metal. Still, my answer is no. Get a toaster or something." The colossal man's eyes widened before he let out a burst of audibly disturbing laughter. "Ooh deli, our esteemed Roo has a sense of humor! Amusing really amusing haha!" Suddenly, his laughter faded and his expression became stern. "Please, I don't have all day. Well, technically I do, but what about my warriors?" He turned his gaze to the army. "They are tired of waiting. They waited for such a long time and their time has finally come." He turned back and looked the skeleton straight in its green glowing sockets. "And now your time has come too. Join us. You are a Roo! Your kind is perfection, a balance between life and death! If you would come with us, we would be so much stronger and we will be one of the holiest armies of Maw!" The skeleton stood up while the colossal watched in anticipation of his answer. "I will not follow you, bearer of sickness." It pulled its sword out, letting it rest on its metallic shoulder. The colossus expression was still stern. He also stood up and walked a few steps closer, now towering over the skeleton. "Ans your threats, they do not concern me. I can handle a few henchmen. Your army may be strong, and you may have many on your side, but your strength lies not in your quality." A green aura begins to surround the skeleton. Its metal started to vibrate and the sword glowed green again. "I...see..." The colossus had a  disappointing look on his face. He held up the thing which the skeleton so deeply desires. "Do you want this?" The colossus began putting pressure on the object, trying to crush it. The skeleton reacts immediately, reaching out to snatch the cube from his hands, but an iron fist strikes him amidst the cuirass of his armor, forcing him on one knee.

"So fast," the skeleton thought to himself "I almost didn't see it." He held the damaged spot on his cuirass. The fist created a big dent in the armor, but the damage wasn't only external. His punch wasn't a regular one. It seemed like the force pierced through the armor, hitting its internal components. "So you think you can handle us? Do you think we are not of quality? Do you think we only attack in groups and battalions? Well, think again, mighty Roo!" the colossus also got on one knee. With his metallic glove, he grabbed the skeleton by the head and made him look at his eyes. "I fought against more vicious and more beautiful things while you were guarding this, Roo!" He presented the cube and tightened his grip on the skeleton's head. "You might be considered holy, but you got nothing against a champion of the foul,  sarxetaa Roo!" The colossus shoved the skeletons face deep into the dirt before loosening the grip on its head and standing up. "We will leave now, oh mighty Roo, and I will take this with me!" He turned around and began walking away, leaving the skeleton in the dust. 

It couldn't believe it. It was strong, but so was he. So long has it guarded this treasure. Its strength was the reason why he chose it, but it was too weak to succeed. Too weak to protect it. The skeleton contemplated its weakness, why it was chosen, and why it was defeated so easily. The world sure is cruel. One strike and it could all be over. One is aLwayS weak in the face of stronger opponents. Then it noticed something. "I may not be strong," it whispered to himself. "but I am loyal! I will not fail you!" 

 The skeleton stood up and began to speak. "Wait..." He already stood on his two metal legs once the colossus turned around. Suddenly one could hear pressure being relieved from its chest and the cuirass opened up, revealing the insides of the skeleton. The colossus eyes widened. He could not believe what he was seeing. Next to all the damaged components in the middle of its chest was a green pulsating ball off unknown material. The ball was filled with energy and life. The source that gave the skeleton its power maybe? "I offer you a trade." The skeleton was defeated. He knew he couldn't win. This was its only chance to not lose what it was entrusted with for such a long time. The colossus came closer and rammed its hand in the skeleton's chest, grabbing the pulsating ball. He couldn't resist smiling. The skeleton, on the other hand, began twitching but remained standing. "Let's just think this is more precious than your artifact." He pulled out his hand and with it came the pulsating ball. The light in the skeleton's eyes became dimmer. "Here you have your precious artifact, sarxetaa Roo!" He dropped the cubes and turned around. "HARAA XRE TAM, DIRAASINER.FRAAS GRIM GRENE SARXETA ROO. YOU WILL DIE IF YOU DO! WE WILL NOW CONTINUE OUR HOLY MARSH, MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS!" His yelling aroused the horde that immediately burst out in wild yelling, cheering, and screaming as they started marching again. "May your path be filled with the brim of sickness and the joy of death, esteemed elder." The colossus bowed before the skeleton. His face was disgustingly contorted and full of pleasure. He then followed along with his army. Now the skeleton and his cube were amidst perversion passing through those planes of infinity, left to their fate, one dying and one not even born to die.

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