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I pressed myself up against the door next to Tae, listening for the Lurker. The noise in the bathroom had stopped, but I had no idea if the creature was still close.

Tae's body was tense as he stared intently at the door and I placed my hand on his back, feeling his muscles bunched under the skin. I felt him grow even tenser, if that was possible, and he slowly drew his lips back, revealing his teeth in a terrifying but silent show of aggression.

He side-stepped into me but slowly relaxed. A moment later, I heard footsteps heading down the stairs, followed by crunching of glass as the Lurker walked over the remains of the front door.

Taking the opportunity, I slowly opened the door, peeking out and scanning the area.

"Come," I whispered to Tae as I quickly and silently made my way back to my father's bedroom, closing and locking the door behind me.

Without prompting, Tae took up his position at the door and I moved to the walk in wardrobe.

"I'm back," I said quietly, opening the door.

Daisy was huddled into Yoongi, who had his arms around her but Jungkook was pacing. He turned when he saw me, a look of relief flashing across his face.

"You're okay," He sighed, "We thought we heard-"

"A Lurker was up here," I cut him off, "We need to make these torches before it comes back,"

He nodded and stepped back into the room, taking my backpack and placing it on the bed before carefully emptying it. Yoongi led Daisy out and we each picked up a table leg that had rags of my father's clothes wrapped around the top.

"We need to soak these," Yoongi said, "Got a bucket or something?"

"Who keeps a bucket in a bedroom?" Daisy snapped, clearly irritated from fear.

"That's not helpful," Yoongi snapped back, "I was-"

"Enough," I sighed, heading to my father's dresser. On the top was an old vase that belonged to my mother. It didn't have anything in it, but it was something my father loved.

"Will this do?"

"Perfect," Jungkook took the vase and immediately began popping the tops off the perfume bottles and emptying them inside, "It's going to smell funky in here," He muttered, suppressing a cough," Real strong,"

The vase was about a third full of perfume when Jungkook dunked the first 'torch' into it. He sloshed it about for a bit, before lifting it out, shaking the excess perfume off and handing it to Daisy.

Once they were all soaked, they turned to look at me.

"What's the plan?" Jungkook asked quietly, looking a little less confident than before.

"We wait it out until morning," I answered, "Then we torch the forest,"

"Maybe we should try to get some rest," Daisy suggested, "Take it in turns to keep watch,"

"I can't sleep knowing that a tree monster could crash through the door at any second," Yoongi replied, "But I'll keep you safe while you sleep,"

She smiled gratefully at him and I suddenly realised how tired I actually was.

"Do you want to rest?" Jungkook asked me quietly, "We can all go in the wardrobe. Yoongi and I will stay awake,"

I shook my head, "I won't be able to sleep, either,"

Jungkook put his hand on my shoulder gently, "If you need-"

"Shh!" I cut him off when I noticed a sudden change in Tae's body language. As before, in my room, his body was completely tense and all his hackles were up. It was then that I could hear movement in the bathroom again.

I quickly pointed to the wardrobe. Jungkook and Yoongi gathered the torches and went inside, followed by Daisy.

I tiptoed to Tae and gave a small tug on his collar. He immediately turned and followed me into the wardrobe, where I gently closed us in. There was no lock and only a dim light from a small window, but at least we were hidden.

However, just as I closed the door, a loud crash made us all jump. From the sounds of it, a Lurker had gotten into my old bedroom.

Another crash, louder, this time, confirmed that there was also a Lurker in my father's bedroom.

Right on the other side of the flimsy wooden door without a lock that led to the walk-in wardrobe where the four of us and Tae were hiding.

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