Chapter 1: Im Ro and I Like Bands

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You probably want me to describe myself, right? Well i don't really like to. I see myself as somebody not many people like and become annoyed with easily, but here goes nothing.
Ro. That's my name. Im not sure why really, considering I was raised by my brother, Ty, and never got a glimpse of my parents. I assume they didnt give a shit about me or Ty because otherwise i wouldnt live the shitty life I do. I'm 21 and not sure how i made it this far but im here.
Laugh all you want but im a ginger who doesnt really look good as a ginger. My hair styles like a scene girl (bangs cut over eye, teased) but i resemble none of those gorgeous girls i dream about looking like. My life is kind of a let down because I'm not the skinniest or prettiest of people (well im not skinny or pretty at all). Nothing i ever do turns out right, i always find a new way to embarrass myself every time.
Oh, and i need a new Knee. I know, normal, right? My life has always been nothing of the ordinary. Now because of my knee my whole body is thrown off balance, i drag my useless leg like a zombie,iv gained weight because i cant do shit anymore and the way i walk messed up my foot.
No friends besides the music and band members i hold hostage in my Ipod, A.K.A: my life. Did i forget to mention band members are the only reason i exist? But isnt that what everyone says? "Bands saved me","this band kept me from dying"," if i didnt have bands i wouldnt be alive." Well this is all true for me. Because of everything iv gone through, i have one thing: music. Everything i do i bring along these words and rhythms either in my head or blaring through my earbuds or car speakers.
The only goal in my life is to thank these people for saving all these lives and brightening up so many depressed teenagers days just by being themselves and caring so much for their fans. I just want to say thank you, not for me, not for saving me and helping me, but for bringing joy to the people who need it even more than me. I can honestly say band members are the only people in this world i respect and would give anything to just say "thanks" to.

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