Chapter 6: Lovin' The Cute Nurse

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I sat there thinking for a while more. It was 2 and Ty had been gone a while. I didnt expect him back till about 3:50 cuz Ty was never very early but he was never late. I decided to take out my Ipod to listen to music and go on twitter to see if Andy had posted anything about the concert. The only reason i have an account is to read band member's tweets and follow bryan stars and other fan girls that post funny pictures of bands.

Andy said that the concert was going to be delayed from 6 to 8 because he wanted to visit a friend that was in the hospital before the concert started. I sighed. Friends of bands are so lucky that they have such amazing people around them to cheer them up and tell them stories of being on the road and they probably also get the privilege to listen to music before its released and to meet other bands. As i was giggling over a picture of All Time Low dressed as girls in slutty dresses and wigs, the nurse with the shaggy brown hair slightly knocked on the door frame. "Uhh, come in" i hesitantly said. I didnt expect anybody to come see me. "I came to check on how youre doing and because you cant have anything to eat or drink before your surgery, i wanted to give you some ice chips you are allowed to suck on." "Okay, thanks. I was getting kind of thirsty," i smiled. I looked at his face harder this time. The tip of his nose was rounded and it was really small but it fit well with his face. His hair looked so delicate and soft i could run my fingers through it all day. His eyes sparkled with the prettiest blue i had ever seen. He was kind of scrawny and had tiny feet, but he was so cute.

He limped over to give me the cup of ice. "Oh my gosh, are you okay?" I worriedly asked. "Oh, this?" He pointed to his hip."its nothing. I had an accident as a kid and hurt it. I had a replacement but i still walk funny." He said it with so much shame that it hurt me. I giggled and replied, pointing to my knee, "i guess we can be walking buddies," trying to cheer him up. "Yah!" He exclaimed setting the cup next to my bed on the metal try. He turned Around and started to walk out, but turned his head to look back at me just as he was half way out the door. He looked at me like no one ever has, with a sparkle in his eye and a huge smile on his face. " if you need anything, just click that button and i shall be at your service," and he slowly walked away.

My heart pounded in my chest as i thought about him every minute until 3:00 ...when i was told i had visitors.

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