Chapter 29: Panic and comfort

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Harry ran all the way back to the room that he shared with Sev, not even caring that he might be heard as long as he is far away from that mirror. Seeing his mum and dad was too much for Harry. The door to the room slammed shut behind Harry as he sank lower to the ground gasping for air, the edges of his vision tinted black; he wasn't sure it was from the run, or an onset of a panic attack.

Severus was unhappy, and worried, his charge was out past the curfew that they had set. Harry had not once missed the dead line, there had been some close calls, but he was always back into their quarters right on the dot. So, when Severus heard the door slamming closed, he stalked to the door to give the child a stern talking to, but when he stepped into the living area of the quarters, something was wrong. The raven-haired child was not right there stammering out an apology, those bright green eyes begging Severus to let him go this one time. No, instead that child was slumped on the floor in a heap, those eyes hidden behind a black curtain of hair. Severus face turned from sneer of annoyance, to an expression of worry and fear; it has been awhile since the last time he saw Harry like this, and it scared him to no end. He quickly made his way over to the boy, scooping the small child into his arms and taking him to the black leather couch that sat in front of the fire. He held the child close, pressing one of Harry's ears to his chest.

"Listen Harry, listen, take a breath when I do." Severus whispered, and then started to regulate his breathing. Inhale... Exhale... Inhale...Exhale... He was murmuring reassurances to the child; he summoned a Calming Drought, and coaxed it down the boy's throat. They sat there for what seemed like hours to Severus, before Harry was breathing regularly and the panic was gone. Harry still sat in his lap, his ear still pressed on Severus's chest, listening to the strong steady heartbeat. Harry's eyelids were growing heavy with exhaustion, growing closer together with each passing minute. His body felt like lead and sluggish from both the potion and the panic attack.

"I'm sorry Sev," Harry spoke, his words slurred a little from how heavy his body was, "I didn't mean to come back late."

"It's alright Harry," Severus said with a frown, "but I do not think that is what set off this panic attack." Harry just shook his head in negatively. "Was it something to do with the Dark Lord, something that he said or did?" His body stiffening, in fear and anger thinking of many things that his lord could have done. Once again Harry shook his head no. "Do you want to talk about it?" Harry was about to shake his head no, but thought it over.

"I-I was w-wondering, d-do you think my mum and dad would see me as weak?" Harry mumbled into Severus thick outer teaching cloak. How could they not think me as weak? Harry thoughts were swirling once again, thoughts of everything that his family ever did to him, how could no one see that he was weak; but with the calming draught in his system he didn't go into a panic attack.

Severus was in shock when he heard what Harry just asked. Why would he think that his parents would view him as weak? Could it be from his time with those muggles? He couldn't wait until he got his hands on them!

"No, they would never think of such things Harry, your parents loved you more than life itself. They could never think that you are weak." Severus said, though he was unsure if he was doing this right, he never was one for such comforting words or so great with children. "Lily was a ball of fire, always standing up for what she believed in and never backed down; but she was always a down to Earth person always befriending everyone, never leaving anyone out, that is something you got from her it seems. She loved you to the stars and back. The one time I did see her during the war, all she could do was smile and tell me about her baby boy." Severus remembered that night with a fond smile, "James your father, was a man that never thought anything through, but I knew he was a devoted family man, and could never be but proud of his child, no matter what." He couldn't say much about James Potter, but he wanted the boy to know that he was loved where ever he went. Severus looked down to see that Harry's eyes where watery his eyes red rimmed. "I am 100 percent sure of everything I said is the truth and that they are proud to call you their son, because I know I am Harry. There would be nothing in this world I am more proud of then you." Severus said gently to the child. Harry couldn't hold it back any longer and cried, cried for the parents he never got to know, but for also the love he got from Severus.

They sat there for a while longer, letting the fire die to just embers, before Harry spoke up once more. "I-I saw them, I was coming back from the library after trying to do some research on something, and I was already cutting it close after curfew when I ran into Mrs. Norris, and I knew I didn't have much time before her master was to follow." Harry took a shaky breath, "So I entered a closed classroom, closing the door behind me, but when I turned around I-I noticed a mirror, but it wasn't a normal mirror, i-it showed me my parents, you, the Malfoy's, and some other people that I didn't know. I could stand there all night looking at them, but I felt like a failure of a son, that I had to get out of there." Harry told Severus, and it haunted the man to hear such a thing. Why was this mirror here?!

"Harry, I need you to promise to never go looking for that mirror again, it is a dangerous thing, it is known as the Mirror of Erised, and it shows what a person's heart desires. Witches and wizards alike have sat in front of the mirror and wasted away to nothing, please promise me that you will not go looking for it again." When Harry nodded, Severus let out a sigh, "We will talk more in the morning after a good night's rest." Severus said after Harry let out a big yawn. Harry cheeks colored a little, for he was feeling a little childish, but he also felt safe right now, "C-can I sleep with you?" Harry asked. Severus could not help but smile at this his chest warming just a bit, "Of course little one."

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