... Part one ...

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The gentle tune of my ringing phone is what greats me this morning, I sigh grabbing my phone to turn in off placing it beside me. Sitting up and stretching I look around my brightly lit room mentally preparing myself for the day. The joy of my life yawns and looks up at me. "Good morning Cerberus, how are you doing this morning?" I coo at my dog smiling.

    I turn slipping my slippers on as I walk into my bathroom quickly washing my face, doing my business and brushing my teeth before exiting. I slowly head to my favorite place in the house, my closet, not having time to admire the room I quickly get dressed in skinny jeans and a soft sweater before slowly exiting my room.

    Gently closing the door behind me I start to walk down the stairs as Cerberus follows, gripping the railing to help myself descend to the second floor. There I am greated by my best friend, "good morning loves, sit I made food." Smiling I take a seat at the table "Bianca you know I don't eat breakfast." "I know" she turns to me smiling, "that's why I made you a smoothie to wash your pills down with instead." I laugh softly at my amazingly thoughtful and beautiful best friend.

    Today she is dressed in a white floral dress her long hair floating around her, her aura shines as she bounces around the kitchen preparing our breakfast. "Are you still up for going out with the gang today love?" I sigh remembering what I signed up for "right, yeah I guess I'm down to go. Do you mind feeding Cerby?" She laughs at the name she always finds funny "sure as long as you brush him today." I nod looking down to see his eyes shining up at me "always."

    I glair at the pills sitting In front of me the amount growing over the years. "Crushing them in your mind won't make them disappear, I'll hold your hand if you like." I smile gratefully at Bianca nodding sheepishly, I reach out grabbing her hand before popping the five pills in my mouth quickly washing them down with the smoothie. I squeeze her hand and my eyes shut as I feel them travel down my throat, I shiver before opening my eyes and letting go of her hand. "Thanks, you'd think after years that would get easier" I sigh before quickly chugging my drink. "Anika slow down, your going to regret that later!" Bianca scolds me and I drink slower finishing it and hopping of my seat gently putting the glass in the sink. "Thanks B, for feeding us" I say as I see her setting down Cerberus's food wile I walk to the couch.

    Picking up the basket beside the couch I grab the dog brush and my dogs service vest, "Cerberus come." In a second my dog is sitting in front of me, "you know how this goes" I mumble before getting to work. After brushing him I gently put his vest on "time to work huh bud, did you walk him B or should I?" "Already done" she shouts for the kitchen, "god your the best, when are we leaving." Before she has time to answer our front door flies open "time to leave bitches." I laugh as bianca responds "now I guess," I laugh as I go to greet Eddie.

    Eddie has been our friend for about four years, his bubbly energy complements our group. And he talk to us about guys with us, yep Eddie is gay very gay. "Eddie babe how are you this morning, also how are you so energetic this morning damn." I say as I embrace him "I don't know girl I'm always like this, anyway Olivia, Sasha and Rowan are already in the car so hurry your butts up." I giggle as I put Cerberus's leash on, "ready" Bianca and I say at the same time. Laughing we follow Eddie out of our house going to the car parked in our driveway.

    The car ride was filled with awful sining and gossip as we head to the village, "where are we going again?" I ask "ice cream, then park then anywhere." "Sounds like a plan" I smile as we pull up to the ice cream parlor and we all pile out of the car, Olivia and Rowan bolt to the front door as I walk up getting nervous seeing how many people are there. Cerberus paws at my leg then at Biancas "hey you ok love?" She asked me when he alerted her, "uh no can you order for me, there are to many people in there it would overload me." She smiled "of course, your usual." "Yes please" I call after her before sitting on a bench outside expecting a long wait with all my friends ordering.

"hey darling, what are you doing out here?" Someone asks as they sit next to me, I turn and smile. The man sitting next to me could have been a supermodel but I was blown away by his eyes. Blue and swirling like the ocean someone could get lost in them for days. "Oh, um my friends are inside ordering." I mumble shyly  come on Anika get a grip I mentally scold myself, "not a fan of ice cream?" He asked his voice deep and soothing, I giggle before responding "oh no I love ice cream it's just there are to many people on there I have my friends ordering for me." He nods "ah I see, well if you'd like I can keep you company wile you wait." I smile and nod "I would love that very much actually"

I was laughing with the man who I learned's name is Killian as my friends walk out. "Here love" Bianca smiles as she hands me my chocolate ice cream, "thank you." I respond quickly watching my friends pile into the car I smile turning back to Killian, "well I better head out it was really nice getting to know you." He smiled back "you too here let me give you my number so we can continue getting to know each other." I blush lightly at his directness and nod handing him my phone. "I'll see you around Anika" he smiles and he hands my phone back as I get up, "yeah see you Killian." I wave as Cerberus and I walk back to the car getting in.

"again really, Miss 'I don't go out'. Is out for five minutes and makes a friend, I swear if he joins our group." Sasha whines "I'd be fine with him joining did you see his muscles damn daddy." Eddie says wile drooling over Killian, "Yeah, you are one to complain Sasha, that's how you joined the group." I sigh "children, children, calm down I love you all equally. And Eddie calm down keep in in your pants" I say wile giggling "yeah Eddie plus she found him first she gets dibs" Olivia adds. "God guys can we just head to the park damn," I complain.

As the car pulls away all I'm focused on are the blue eyes starring back at me.

Alright guys chapter one done, this will probably be the only authors note just because this is the beginning of this book. I just want to warn you there will possibly be some trigger warnings to self harm and suicide, lost of swearing and grammar and spelling mistakes. If you kindly correct them I will be very great full thanks for reading.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2020 ⏰

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