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As Rebecca sat in the waiting room with Olive, Colby wasn't anywhere to be found.

"I thought daddy was coming?" She asked as Rebecca checked her phone again

"His flight was supposed to land an hour ago, he should be here by now" she answered

They waited, got called back, had the WHOLE appointment, all without Colby.. he didn't even call or text Rebecca.

When her and Olive got home, she made lunch then went upstairs. As she stood in the empty room that would soon be a nursery, she thought about everything.. Colby missed the first appointment and now this one.. she felt like she was doing this all alone.

"Hey, I'm home!" Colby called as he walked into the kitchen, Olive didn't move from her spot at the counter

"Mommy's mad at you, so I'm mad at you" she stated and he was instantly confused

"Why is mommy mad at me?" He asked and she shrugged

"You didn't come.. maybe that's why. We got to see baby brother today and you didn't come" she explained

"My flight was later than I thought it was, I tried to call her but she didn't answer" he tried to reason but Olive just held up her hand to silence him

"Tell that to her, not me" she said

Colby walked upstairs and Rebecca was in the same spot, tears ran down her face and all he could do was apologize.

"I'm sorry.." he said and she shook her head

"You said you would be there.." she said "you said you would be there and your weren't"

"My flight was later than I thought it was" he said "I tried calling you.."

"By the time you called it was over" she said "I feel like I'm doing this all alone Colby"

"I'm sorry" he apologized again "they've given me house shows off now so I'll be here more"

"I didn't need you here more.. I needed you here today, I needed you to be there with me when I heard our son's heartbeat, I needed you there when I saw him.. but evidently work is more important than your family" Rebecca said and walked out of the room

Colby was left there... he felt like his heart had been ripped out of his chest. Rebecca had just told him they were having a boy.. their dreams were right. But that's not what's important now, what was important was that he figured this out and made this right.

*A/N: sorry I've been slow on updates, I'm sick and haven't been feeling up to writing. I'm trying to write some now so hopefully you'll have more chapters in the coming days!*

Life changes-Becky Lynch + Seth Rollins Where stories live. Discover now