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"Mr. Lopez?" A doctor called and Colby immediately stood up "it's not looking good" he said and Colby's heart sank "Rebecca is doing alright and is stable but the strain on the baby's heart was too great, we're trying to get his heart rate up enough but as of right now his chances of surviving are less than 50%, I'm so sorry" he explained "but you may see Rebecca now if you'd like.."

Colby nodded with tears in his eyes, she was going to have to go through this great loss again and there was nothing he could do about it.

He walked into the room she was in, she was sitting up on the bed, blankly staring at the wall, her hands rested on her stomach as tears absentmindedly rolled down her face.

"Rebecca" he barley choked out

"It's happening again" she nodded "because my stupid body can't handle a fucking pregnancy, we're losing our son"

"It's not your fault" he shook his head and sat on the edge of the bed "you didn't cause this"

"Then What did Colby?" She questioned

"I don't know" he answered quietly "but this isn't your fault"

"Why?" She whispered "why me?"

"Hey" he said and pulled her into his chest "we're going to get through this.."

"I can't do this again" she cried "I can't lose another baby.."

"Shh.." He said trying to calm her down "it's ok"

"It's not ok!" She snapped "I'm losing my son, our son! You think that's ok?"

"Hey.." He said trying to calm the situation "your emotions aren't In check right now..."

"You don't think I know that?" She asked "I don't know how to handle this.."

"Just breathe and we'll figure something out.. together" he said

The doctors tried for another hour to get the baby's heart rate back up but nothing seemed to work. They gave Rebecca and Colby a run down of what was going to happen:

They would put Rebecca on medication to start the labor and delivery process, she would deliver the baby, they would have 45-1 hour tops until the baby would sadly, pass away.

It took no longer than 2 hours for Rebecca to get ready to push. It only took 4 tiny pushes before there was a tiny baby boy on her chest..

"Look at you.." she said "your here.."

"You look just like your mommy" Colby smiled and Rebecca looked up at him, he had tears in his eyes and she realized this was going to effect him just as much as it would her

They sat with their son in silence, just looking down at him. He didn't even weigh a pound and wasn't even fully developed.. he was still perfect.. absolutely perfect.

"Max.." Rebecca whispered "Max Daniel Lopez.."

"Little Max" Colby nodded "its perfect.."

"Max means greatest.. because he's the greatest thing to ever happen to me.. And Daniel, his daddy's middle name" she explained

They sat in more silence before their sons chest rose and fell one last time and that was it...

"He's gone.." she whispered "that's it he's just gone.."

Life changes-Becky Lynch + Seth Rollins Where stories live. Discover now