Chapter 4

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{Luke's POV}

"Ok. See you at four" I said

I started to run to the left which was kinda a bad idea cause there was a lot of sand before I got to the jungle and I hate running through sand, but before I new it I entered the jungle


After walking for about an hour I came across a medium sized tree house. Now most people wouldn't go in the tree house but I want some adventure. So I climbed up the later into the tree house. When I got up there I saw a balcony and there was a girl facing away from me just looking out at the view. I moved my foot but when I did the floor creaked and she turned around fast. She had blue eyes, a messy bun, and was wearing a green dress.

"Who are you?" She said in a British accent.

Oh she's hot I thought to me self

"I'm Luke" I said

"Hi I'm tinker bell" she said as she started to walk towards me


" I have never seen you here before" she said

"Ya I don't live here" I said back

"Then I should show you around" she said excitedly as she moved to the ladder and started to go down

"Come on" she said as she got to the ground

I climbed down the ladder and started to walk with her by my side


{Chloe's POV}

I looked up at the sky and noticed that it was four

"Oh crap I have to go" I said

"Wait were are you going" Peter asked me

"I live on a ship and one of my brothers and I like to leave the ship in secret cause our dad never wants us to leave the ship. I told me brother I would meet up with him at shore at four" I said

"Wait who is your dad" Peter asked

" Captain Hook" I said

" you can't tell him that we ever meet. He hates me and if he finds out we can never see each other again" Peter told me

"Ok I won't tell him" I said

I walked up to him and gave him a hug. I felt him rest his head on top of mine as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Bye" I said
"Bye" he said back

I let go of Peter and ran to the shore.




I hope to be updating my next part soon but when I have school it's kinda hard, but this week we have Thursday and Friday off so that's good. Talk to you guys later good bye!


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