Promise- Levi x reader

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Standing on top of wall Maria you looked down at the numerous Titans that swarmed the area like bees around their hive.
"What the actual hell... Where in heavens name did all of them come from?" You stammered as you watched the Titans walk around aimlessly.

"I don't know... But isn't it wonderful?!" Hanji exclaimed from beside you. Her hands were on both sides of her face as she gaped at the monstrous creatures below.

Staring at her with a blank face you scoffed at her expression as you contemplated in your mind as to how and why all of the Titans showed up. They usually roamed a bit farther away from each other so this time when you and the survey corps ventured off for another expedition you all had to retreat quickly and found refugee on top of Wall Maria.
"No I don't think it's wonderful... We almost died out there..." You glanced around at the numerous wounded fellow cadets.

"Oh but look there are two, fifteen meter class titans beside a five meter class!" Hanji pointed out a bit farther out from the wall, proving that there indeed stood three titans matching her description.
"They're like a little family!" Hanji squealed in excitement as questions started to blurt out of her mouth like a waterfall. "I wonder if they know they exist? I wonder if they have family?" Hanji went on and on until footsteps could be heard coming closer.

"Shut the hell up shitty glasses. We don't have time for this, we can't let more human lives go to waste feeding these walking potato sacks". Levi bluntly scolded Hanji, ending the conversation with a "tch" he turned around on his heels and walked off.

Watching Levi walk off a slight blush sprinkled across your face as you remembered what he told you before you all left for the expedition.


"(F/N)! "
You could hear your name being called by a familiar voice you recognized as the corporals.
Turning around you watched as Corporal Levi got closer and closer to you with every stride he took. Even due to his short size and not seeming to get any taller the closer he was he still stood a good three inches above you, and he loved taking that to his advantage.

"Yes captain?" you questioned saluting him.

"No need for the formalities" Levi curtly answered, brushing off your acknowledgement.
"I wanted to tell you that we're leaving for an expedition tomorrow morning at the break of dawn. Be ready" Levi looked at you his face expressionless.

"Yes sir" you nodded your head showing that you understood.

" tch drop the sir... Levi is just fine..." Levi bluntly told you as a light blush appeared on your cheeks.

"Al-alright Levi" you turned around to head back in before being interrupted.

"I didn't dismiss you" Levi demanded looking on at you his expression never changed.

"Sorry Levi" you mumbled turning back around to face him again.

"(Y/N)?" Levi questioned his voice grew a bit softer.
Looking up you replied with a quiet yes.
"Can you promise me something?" Levi questioned taking a hold of your chin tilting it up towards him. You stared into his grey eyes, his eyes seemed to finally be filled with some sort of emotion and that was hope.

"Yes" you whispered quietly as you continued looking up at your superior.

"Promise me you won't die tomorrow, promise me you won't die at the filthy hands of a Titan" Levi whispered quietly.

"Yeah..." You mumbled back. Levi's words threw you off completely. This wants the Levi you were used to. The Levi you were used to would insult you endlessly. He would throw curses at people and make them run laps, you remembered when Levi would make you clean the mess hall three times in one night because you always missed that spot of dirt.

"Thank you" Levi ruffled the top of your head walking off telling you that you were finally dismissed.

Touching the top of your head your heart thumped wildly in your chest.

~end of flashback~

"So you and shorty huh?" Hanji giggled gleefully nudging you in ye side.

"No... It's one sided" you blurted out rather loudly causing some heads to turn.

"I wouldn't be too sure about that.." Hanji laughed off scratching some information into an info notebook she kept around for her Titan discovery time.

The words played over and over again in your head as you looked down the wall the fifty foot drop look exceptionally high today for some strange reason.

"(Y/N)!!!! Watch out!!!" Eren called out but it was too late. The brick that once supported your weight underneath you cracked out of place completely sending you falling down.

Screaming you caught the attention of a Titan not to far away from where you were falling down to your death. Scolding yourself in your mind you cursed as you thought back to when you took off your 3d maneuver device when you reached the wall safely. The fall felt like it took ages as your life flashed before your eyes. Bracing yourself for the impact of the ground or the impact of being caught by the Titan a single year fell down your cheek, your eyes closed.
"I never told him I love him..." You quietly whisper to yourself as a sudden force stopped your fall.

"Tch you idiot I thought I told you to not get yourself killed".

Opening your eyes, your (e/c) orbs met with stormy grey ones. "I'm sorry" you quietly mumbled as you clutched on to Levi scared he'd drop you.

"Tch I'm not going to drop you, if I wanted you dead I'd have let you fall... And saying sorry wouldn't have brought you back to life..." Levi scolded as he slowly lifted the two of you back up the wall at a safer distance away from the fifteen meter class approaching.
"This is far enough..." Levi grumbled, as you were high enough away from the Titans, but low enough from your fellow cadets and superiors.

"Far enough for what?" you questioned looking down and then back up only to have your lips collide with Levi's. At first you stared shocked your eyes wide open, but slowly you melted into the kiss your hands that once gripped Levi's shirt went to wrap around behind his neck.

Breaking apart slowly for air Levi leaned his forehead onto yours still holding you tightly in your arms the gear holding the two of you up.

"I know you like me (y/n)" Levi stated a smirk appearing on his face.
Blushing like wildfire you hid your face into his jacket.
"But that's alright cause I will always love you more, you idiot" Levi kissed you once more this time a bit more gentle than the heated kiss before.

"Damn look at that Levi and (y/n) getting some action meters away from the hands of a Titan now that's what I call risky love" Jean pointed out to the rest of the cadets as they all joined in at his staring.

"Tch damn brats" Levi growled as he lifted the two of you up a bit faster hoping to get you to the safety of the wall.

"Awww didn't have to stop on my account" Jean laughed hitting his hand on his knee.

"Cadet Kirstein I suggest you head back and start working on those laps..." Levi bluntly commanded as he stared at the rest of them ready to assign more punishments.
"Alright everyone lets head back..." Levi looked around as the group slowly made their way back home.

"(Y/n)" your name was curtly pronounced by Levi he latched onto your wrist holding you back for a while.

"Yeah?" you turned around looking back at the man that stole your lips moments ago.

"Walk with me?" Levi asked his voice rather soft from his usual blunt and strong tone.

"That's alright with me" you smiled grabbing his hand in yours taking him by surprise.

"(Y/n)... Promise me one more thing..." Levi pulled you in the two of you standing rather close as your chest was pressed up against his he tilted your chin so you looked up at him.


"Promise me you won't leave me, or scare me like that ever again..." Levi rested the top of his head on yours his breath was felt on your lips.

"I promise"


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