Soft Love - levi x reader

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It was a long day at the survey corps head quarters and training was just finishing up.
You watched from the tree as Levi had sent his trainee's off jogging around the field a couple times before heading off to do their daily chores.

Today was an unusual day. Levi was well quieter than usual, he didn't bother commenting on anyone's forms or even bothering to roll his eyes as the young survey corps soldiers were messing around with each other during training.

Looking around you realize how much things have really changed around the old castle they use. The castle looks lived in, not how it was when you all first moved when Eren came into your lives. You and Levi were quite close actually... Many people had suspected you both to be lovers even though you both denied it. However there were certain moments you shared that undeniably would have been very close to what lovers do.
He comforted you at night when you had nightmares of how your family was taken when the wall was broken down by the collosal Titan.
He took care of you when you had sustained injuries during practice, or when you fell ill and were stuck in bed for a week; Levi was the one to bring you medicine and soup. He oddly cared for you, more then he ever did for any other person.

People always wondered what you saw in him, they always questioned you with 'why's? And how?' You even had the occasional 'but you're so nice and he's well... Levi'. All you could do was smile and say "yes I know he's Levi and that's what makes him special". No one ever understood how much pain one man could have possibly gone through but you knew with Levi, he never told you the full story but his eyes did. Cold eyes the colour of stone bore into everyone else, his cold eyes would only soften a little when looking at you but you wouldn't mind, it was progress from the first time you two met. He basically spit in your direction, but of course he didn't actually spit because well... It's Levi. Today was no exception when you finished up a lap you ran with the cadets Eren walked up beside you.

"(y/n)! I have a question..." Eren stood beside you his hands placed on his knees panting from his 29th lap today.

"Oi brat, you still have another to go!" Corporal Levi's voice rang loud and clear, clearly annoyed with the fact that Eren was talking to you.

"How do you do it?" Eren questioned regaining his posture and continuing the last lap.

"Do what?" You questioned yourself, you lifted your foot up behind you stretching your calves from the long run. You never noticed the figure walking up behind you.

"Tch what did he want?" Levi's voice spoke up from beside you. Turning your head to the side you took in Levi in all his glory. He was currently standing with his arms crossed in front of him, a glare following Eren's running figure. He was wearing his usual attire prim and proper as always, you noticed however that his undercut was in a need of a trim.
Letting go of your stretch you walked up to Levi he simply stared at you saying nothing, you reached up your hand and ran it through his short strands.

"You need a trim, I could do it later if you want me to" you smiled a bit as you felt Levi lean the slightest bit into your touch.

"You did a better job than anyone else last time so yes, after dinner you may cut my hair if you so wish. But you didn't answer my question. What did the brat want?" Levi seemed annoyed as I dodged the question he asked previously.

"Honestly, I don't even know".

"Tch, whatever...". Levi stated abruptly turning around.
"Once they're done tell them they can start on their chores then meet me in my office I have something we need to discuss". He started walking towards the old castle my eyes following him until a voice interrupted my staring.

"Honestly (y/n), how do you do it. He's less of a grumpy old man than he usually is when he's with you". Eren finished his question as he completed his last lap. Some of the cadets were still running some were already stretching. Turning around to face him you could see the almost astonished slightly gobsmacked expression on Eren.

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