My name is Abrielle (A•BREE•ELLE) Lucia Bruzon but everybody calls me "Birdy" and I'm 19 years old. I have a baby and I've got a pretty crazy life but I'm surrounded by a lot of love and it's amazing. I'm Latina. My mother is Cuban and so is my father and both their families. They divorced after my Dad went to prison when I was four. He's out now and he's living his best life in Vegas with his wife and my baby sister Valentina. My life has been very crazy but I absolutely love how it's going now because I have an amazing mom, an amazing stepdad, and some savages I call siblings and a cute sweet dog! I'm not gonna bore you with me talking about myself but instead about my pregnancy, my baby and how an amazing man changed my life forever.
**** The story of my pregnancyThese past three weeks have been nothing but a fucking shit show! My boobs have been hurting so much they we're so fucking tender that they looked like raisins. It was PAINFUL!
"What the hell is wrong with me"? I asked myself for like the hundredth time
A lot of crazy things we're happening with my body like things that never usually happen to me.My boobs have been killing me! I could hardly keep food in my stomach
I've gotten so bloated that I look like a fucking oompah loompah.Hell I even missed my period it never even came and it has been 3 weeks.
That NEVER happens with my period
she's always on time.I got up from my bed and headed straight to the bathroom... whatever I had eaten yesterday was coming out!
I quickly ran into my bathroom and lifted up the toilet seat and started throwing up EVERYTHING.My stomach was killing me but it felt good to let everything out.
My stepdad knocked on my door
"Birdy are you okay sweetie? Breakfast is ready!" He said through my door.
Birdy is my nickname by the way, sorry I forgot to mention that."I'm fine Miguel I'll be down in a minute!"
I yelled in the bathroom.
After that I had quickly brushed my teeth my face and threw my hair into a quick pony,
Looking at myself in the mirror I looked like I hot mess.
My face was shinier than usual
You already know my stomach was fucking bloated.
Overall I looked and felt like shit
Finally I decided to go downstairs
I was greeted by my little brother Chris, "Good Morning Birdy! How are you?""I'm good Chris how are you?!"
"I'm great and I'm excited because this weekend me and Derik are going to SEE MICHAEL JACKSON HE'S COMING HERE TO NEW YORK!!"
My little brother's beautiful blue eyes lit up when he talked about Michael and it made me so incredibly happy, Michael is the most talented fucking human being to ever walk this earth! I'd be just as excited as Chris if I could go see him... maybe I should go with them because there has been a lot of things on my mind, specially the fact that I'm starting to get sick.
I have no clue was happening to me and it's scaring me I need to go to the doctor ASAP."OH MY GOD CHRIS NOOO WAYYY I WANNA GO SEE MICHAEL TOOO!" I yelped in excitement.
I started jumping like a child along with Chris." Mi amor si quieres ir a ver a Michael Jackson es mejor que te lleves a tus hermanos porque Miguel y yo tenemos que trabajar. Originalmente yo me los iba a llevar pero necesitamos el dinero... y otra cosa los tíquetes costaron muchísimo!(Honey if you want to go see Michael it's better if you take them because Miguel and I have to work, I was originally going to take the day off but you know we need the money... not to mention those tickets cost us a pretty penny because we got FRONT ROW TICKETS) !!"
"Birdy baby I know you're excited but language sweetie! Not in front of the kids"
Miguel scolded.
The Man Is Mine| 18+
FanfictionBirdy is a 19 year old girl with a baby, a crazy, happy, chaotic home life... till her world changes when she meets Michael Jackson WARNING ⚠️ There is SEXUAL CONTENT A HELL OF A LOT OF VULGAR LANGUAGE, BULLYING, VIOLENCE AND SEXUAL ASSAULT