CHAPTER 1(The Fan and Bias)

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CHAPTER 1 The Fan and Bias(Jervy & Klein)

Living in a world that full of FANDOM is not easy

Loving a not so lrdinary GUY is hard to live with

Stalking, Learning and WOOOOOAAAAHHHH LOVING ?

The number 1 FANGIRL PROBLEM is



nyenyenye sarreh masiado bang sabaw yung UD ? dispensa HAHAHAHA 

Hello PRINCESS my COMMENT BOX is public and it's open for SUGGESTIONS and SIDE COMMENTS 

The STAR SIGN is totally free too HAHAHAHA

so i'll try my best na mabasa to ng mga PRINCE natin kahit na si my labs Rj at Jay palang nagfollowback saken sa Twitter 😊😊😊😊😊

see you on the next update 😊😊😊😊😊


Not SO Ordinary Relationship (Way5)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon