Chapter 4

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James walks onto the top deck, basking in the sun's rays. "What does it feel like?" he looks at the tiny child in his arms, "Being back in the sun?"

"It's so warm, so nice! I-I-I can't find words to describe it!" Samantha replies with pure joy. James chuckles, "Feel like you could stay out here forever?"

"Yes!" and nods her head vigorously. James smiles at the girl's adorableness, but the moment was cut short when all of a sudden, "Oi! What do you think you're doing with my daughter?" it was the captain of the vessel. Samantha whimpers and buries her face in the crook of James' neck, whispering, "Please, please don't let him take me back to the darkness." James looks at the girl, who's shaking uncontrollably with fear; he turns his gaze to the slaver captain with a look of fury and contempt. "Oh nothing, merely removing this child from this hulk of a boat and taking her far away from the likes of you!" he spat, voice full of venom. "You've no right to do that! You've no right to do anything of the sort!"

"I've got more of a right than you; you who would sell your own daughter for a mere profit." With that final blow, James turns his back to the slaver and walks toward the plank that connects his own ship with the slaver's. He steps up onto it and walks across to the safety of his ship. On board, James uses his shoulder and nudges Samantha's cheek, "Samantha, you can come out now." Samantha slowly lifts her head to meet James' soft, brown eyes. "Is he gone?"  she asks fearfully." "Yep," he turns his head to look at the other ship, "He can't hurt you anymore." he says. "James?" Mary calls. "James is that you?" she calls again. "Here Mary." he responds. "There you are, I-" she stops when she sees Samantha. "Hello there, who might you be?"

"Mary, this is Samantha, Samantha this is my sister Mary." Samantha looks at Mary and shyly waves at her. "It's very nice to meet you, Samantha." Mary says kindly. "Nice to meet you too." Samantha responds. "Mary, I'm going to go fetch Dr. Recks. Could you watch her for a moment?"

"Of course." James puts Samantha on the deck floor and pushes her gently toward Mary. Samantha walks toward Mary who picks her up, gently. "I'll be back." James says and walks below deck to find the doctor. "Why is James going to go get a doctor?" Samantha asks Mary. "Probably so he can have a look at ya; make sure you're not hurt." Mary answers. "Will I have to go down there?"

"No, I'm sure we can get the doc' to come up here. Why, do you not want to go down there?"

Samantha shakes her head, "It's dark down there."

"You don't like the dark?" 

"No, bad things happen in the dark." Mary thought on this. What did this child go through while on that ship. At that moment James walks back on deck with doctor in tow. "I'm back, you two didn't have too much fun without me did ya?" James asks with a hint of amusement. "No, we were just getting acquainted when you came back." Mary said, mimicking his tone of amusement. James laughs, "Right, Samantha, this is Dr. Recks. I'd like for him to overlook ya to make sure you're not hurt. Is that alright?" James asks Samantha. "I guess so." she shrugs. "Right, to my cabin." James says. Mary sighs in relief; it would seem that her brother came to the same conclusion also that it wouldn't be a good idea to bring Samantha down there. The three adults, plus Samantha, walk up a set of stairs that lead to the quarter deck. "Quartermaster." James greets. "Captain, we're almost ready to set sail. There are still a few more things to be loaded."

"Good, make sure we're all accounted for before we depart."

"Aye, Captain." James walks away and toward a door and holds it open for the two others to walk through before walking in himself. The cabin itself was small, but spacious. A desk littered with maps and various sea utensils sits underneath an open window on the left. In the far right corner is a bed frame with a hammock right above it. The doctor, an older gentleman with white hair and beard, says to the siblings, "Right, I must ask you both to leave." Samantha whimpers, "Do they have to leave?" Mary, knowing  that staying wasn't an option, tells  Samantha, "We'll just be right outside the door." Samantha pouts, "Promise?"

"Promise." Mary puts Samantha on the bed and is, along with her brother, immediately ushered out of the cabin by the doctor. Once outside, the doctor shuts the door; leaving the siblings to talk between themselves.

Author's Notes:

Here you go guys, Chapter 4 for you my lovelies. Shout out to BriannaMojica for telling me to update. If you guys can comment on how you think the story is going so far, that would be awsome. CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM ONLY PLEASE. I'm new to Wattpad so please be gentle. But if you guys think that maybe James and Mary are too ooc or there are plot holes that need to be fixed, things like that would be super appreciated. Just comment and I'll try to get back to you as soon as possibly can. Updates will probably stay their sporadic selfs until I can get into a good rythem with working with school and college so we'll see how that plays out. But until next time, this Astarsin signing off.  

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