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You tore your gaze from Jeff’s as you glimpsed down at the perfectly sharpened machete that you carefully held. "Yes, this is my weapon of choice." You informed Jeff. Jeff nodded, still smiling ear-to-ear. You sighed happily, still holding your new weapon close to you.

When will I get my first kill? The idea popped into your head. You sprinted towards Slender's office, in hopes that he will let you go out for a kill today, perhaps. 

Pounding on his office door, you waited patiently for a response. But every second that passed, the worse your anxiety had risen. "Come in!" Slender had finally responded. You walked in quietly, hoping you weren't interrupting him, yet again.

"Child, what is it that you need?" he quizzed. Inhaling, you explained to him that you felt as if you were ready to go out for a kill and asked if you have the permission to go out on a killing spree.

Sadly, you didn't expect what you had thought you wanted. "No child. You haven't even trained! What makes you think you're ready?" His response only made you feel stupid and pathetic. Inhaling, you just nodded rather to answer him verbally. "You know what? Just forget what I said. I wasn't thinking," you said, quietly while getting up from your seat.

"Child, understand that you need to train in order to actually go out on kills," You nodded and kept listening, "As of matter of fact, today you will begin your training with one of my proxies, Masky."

"Okay... Sounds good," you replied. "Alright, you can go and start. Now go." he ordered. Without any hesitation, you left with a hurry in search of the masked proxy.

You found yourself in the living room of the mansion, where the pastas busy with whatever they were currently doing, but no Masky. Hearing noises from the kitchen, you went in to see what on earth was going on in there.

Quietly, you had your back against the wall. You peeked in, only to see that Masky & Hoodie eating there beloved cheesecake. Sighing in relief, you crept behind the two occupied proxies, trying not to disrupt them.

"Ma-" You began, but were cut short, when you realized, a fist flying towards your face. Just in time, you ducked and caught the wrist of whoever was trying to punch. "What..how did you do that?" Masky asked. You noticed that you were holding his wrist. "Hmm, how about you tell me why you were trying to punch me, hmm?" You stated in a stern voice, yet it sounded like a demand rather than an actual question.

The masked proxy shrugged. "I thought you were BEN. Usually, he likes to mess with Hoodie and I." The other masked proxy nodded. You let go of Masky's wrist. "Sorry for almost punching you." Masky apologized, scratching the back of his neck, awkwardly. You laughed at his awkwardness.

"Well it was my fault for sneaking up on you and Hoodie." You dismissed his apology. "Anyways, Slender said I must train with you in order for me to actually go out for a killing spree." You explained to him. Masky wiped his hands with a cloth, before adjusting his mask he wears. "Hmm, okay. So are you ready? Or, do you want to wait til next week?" You shook your head, "No, I'm ready. I don't want to wait that long for training." You uttered. Masky nodded, "Alright, we'll start with hand-to-hand combat first and if you're really good at it; we'll begin combat with our weapons soon. Does that sound good to you?" You nodded happily.

You followed Masky out of the kitchen and exited the mansion. You were met with cold, hard winds once you stepped out into the eerie wounds that surrounded the pasta home. You cast an eye around your surroundings and not a moment later, you noticed that Masky was nowhere to be found. "U-uh Masky?" You called out, nervously.

Out of the blue, Masky charged at you and tackled you to ground. "Well, that didn't work." Masky spoke, getting off of you. You held a hand to your stomach. The impact from that tackle, left you with a hurt stomach. "Sorry about that. I thought you would get out of the way in time." You glared at Masky. "Well, you could've at least told me before you'd do that as part of training!" You wheezed.

Masky scoffed. "Nah, that would've taken the fun out of it," You stared at the proxy, menacingly which terrified the bold proxy. "Alright. I'm sorry, okay? Now you better have your guard up because all that I'm about to show you can come in handy someday, but most likely, not today." He declaimed. "Okay, got it."

"Great. Now, let's get started." He said. You smirked and prepared for what was about to come at you. You cocked your head to the side and said, "Come at me, bro," With that said, Masky charged at you at full speed. Luckily, you moved out of the way. Masky's head almost made contact to a nearby tree. A blow to the head could've gave him a concussion, since he was a human just like Hoodie.

Masky brushed the dirt off of his clothing and clapped slowly. "Hmm, seems like you're getting the hang of things, I see." Masky commented. You shrugged. "I see.." he trailed off. He looked like he was in the state of thinking. Snapping his fingers, Masky whirled around, facing you. He was close to you, but not that close.

Suddenly, his fist flew to you, aiming at your nose. In an instant, you stopped his blow with your forearm. Masky was in utter shock. "Gee, how did you get so good in such a small amount of time?" he asked, curiously. "I don't know. Reflexes, perhaps?"

"Psh, reflexes my ass!" He was about to throw, yet another, punch and again you blocked it with your other forearm. You pushed him away and tried kicking him on the side of his head. Masky was too quick and ducked your kick.

Masky then went for a sweep kick, trying to knock you down somehow. You saw this coming and jumped out of the way. The only thing he did kick was nothing, but air. Masky was determined to knock you down to the ground somehow. He became stubborn and tried everything he could to have you fall to the ground some way or another. Luckily, you were still standing. Not once was Masky able to have you fall.

You became more faster than Masky in just a small amount of time there was. You became more balanced, gained better reflexes any human could possibly have. You felt stronger than before. You no longer felt so small and so weak. 

By the end of the training session, your adrenaline had decreased. Your adrenaline had never been so pumped before. Quite frankly, it was never like this. Panting heavily, you slumped back on the closest tree to you with Masky sitting in front of you. It was dark and being in these unearthly woods didn't scare you as much as it did before. You've gotten used to it.

"Wow, [Y/N], you did an excellent job!" Masky exclaimed. You laughed. "Thanks." You said, smiling at the tired out boy. "Honestly, I thought you would do a horrible job at training, but I was proved wrong." Masky's words surprised you for a moment, then you those words sink in. "Never let someone's appearance fool you." Masky nodded, agreeing with you. "Yeah, I need to keep that in mind," he responded, standing up, but almost falling down in the process. "I also got to keep in mind that I should'nt ever mess with you." he said, rubbing his sore legs and arms. You smiled, "Hell yeah," you uttered.

"We should probably get going. Slendy's probably worrying about the both of us." Masky said. He lend you a hand, but instead, you dismissed it. "No, no. You go. I'll catch up with in a few minutes. I really need to catch my breath anyways."

Masky hesitated, before responding, "Okay, but don't take too long, okay? If you try to escape I will find you and kill you!" Masky threatened. "Who said I wanted to escape. I kinda like it here," you replied, quietly. Masky clenched his fists, deciding whether or not to trust you. The masked proxy turned on his heels and sprinted to the mansion.

You leaned your head back as well as closing your eyes, valuing the deadly silence in the air. You were tired out. You have never been so tired and hurt ever before in your life.

After a few minutes, you decided to go back to the mansion. You stood up and dusted off your clothes from the dirt that covered them.

In a blink of an eye, you realized you weren't standing; you were on the ground again. You could've sworn you were just standing on your two legs just a moment ago. You looked up and saw a figure. The figure just stood there, looking down at you. Just as you were about to open your mouth to speak, a hand stopped you. The dark figure covered your mouth, silencing you.

Trying your hardest, you weren't able to knock the figure off of you. You gave up too quickly due to the lack of energy. You felt the figures warm breath tickle you ear. The figure whispered something under their breath that you couldn't catch, but you knew that the voice belonged to a man. In a flash, you felt a stinging pain on your cheek.

You blinked once more. The figure was gone. You stood, completely spooked and darted straight towards the mansion and did not stop at all. You ran like your whole life depended on it.

animal i have become ⇢ jeff the killer Where stories live. Discover now