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"Where have you been?!" Slender’s voice boomed throughout the mansion, causing the home to stir a bit. Everyone turned their heads and eyed both you and Slender. Masky stepped from behind Slender so he was now in view.

Masky stared at you. His mask shifted and you noticed he was making a face, which you could not see. Surely enough, you were knew he made a face that just showed disappointment in you.

"Well?" Slender awaited for an answer, but you didn't want to tell him the truth, so instead you decided in the only choice you had: Lie and deny. "Well, Masky and I had a very tiring training session, and might I add; It tired me to the point I had to take a minute or two, to catch my breath." You explained. Actually, it wasn't a total lie. Slenderman huffed out in anger, but he noticed the scratch the stranger gave you.

"Child, what happened to your face?" he quizzed. Your fingers brushed over the fresh bleeding cut that was on your cheek. You debated on whether to blame Masky, but then you realized that he would decline that he was to blame.

You shrugged your shoulders. "Woah, I didn't have a cut on my face. As a matter of fact, I didn't even feel it." You said in a monotone voice. Deep inside, you hoped Slender believed you and to your may, he bought the bait.

"Very well, Eyeless Jack will attend to your wound," he said. "Masky, please meet me in my office. Now." Slender ordered. Masky calmly walked to his office with Slender trailing behind him. "Alrighty then, let's get that face of yours cleaned up," Eyeless Jack uttered, while grabbing you by the forearm dragging you off to somewhere you weren't sure of.

He pushed you in a room, before slamming the door to the room shut. You glanced around, and then it hit you that it was none other than E.J.'s room, of course. "So, this your room, huh?" you began a conversation with him. "Yeah, it's my room, obviously."

You inhaled the smell of blood and medical equipment. It wasn't as pleasant as you thought it would be. It was even worse than you could've imagined.

"Okay, this is going to sting," E.J. informed you. Nodding, you shut your eyes tightly as he did his work to heal the cut. Every time you felt the stinging pain, you would grit your teeth as hard as you could. As for E.J., he would always laugh at your reaction to the pain that rushed to your face.

"It's alright. Now, open your eyes," you opened your as you were told and looked at E.J., who let out a sigh. "Okay, just the bandage on your face for today. It should be fine and dandy by tomorrow." E.J. stated.

After some more explanations, you thanked him and let him be.

You walked into the living room to only see BEN and Jeff playing video games on the floor. BEN's ear twitched and he glanced over to you. "Hey, [Y/N]! Wanna play video games with Jeff and I?"

Hesitantly, you nodded and took a seat by BEN, away from Jeff, who was sitting on BEN's right.


"Haha, I won again!" Ben shouted victoriously. As for you and Jeff were upset. To Jeff it was no surprise for the blonde boy to win. As for you, you were surprised, but you didn't show it all.

"So [Y/N], wanna go again?" BEN looked at you, smiling big and bright. You parted your mouth open to reply to his question, when you saw something in the corner of your eye.

You snapped your head to the window and saw a figure. You had a feeling inside that it was the guy who you discovered last night. You ran up to your room and grabbed your machete. You sprinted out the mansion. The last thing you saw was the confused look not only BEN had, but also Jeff's confused face as well.

You quickly darted your way to the last place you saw the figure was standing at. Determination was what flowed through your veins. Not only did you want to find out to the hell that guy was, but to also prove you're not going crazy again.

You ran here, then there, but to your dismay, there was no luck in finding the man.

You rested back against a tree, feeling completely worthless and pathetic that you found no one. "Heh, maybe it was just a hallucination." You whispered to yourself. "Maybe I am and still and forever will be crazy and insane." You muttered, hanging your head low.

Getting up from your resting spot, you gave up your hopeless search, but to only be pulled back hitting your back against a nearby tree. You blinked several times and realized it was a stranger. You were certain it was the guy.

Sadly, his face was hidden with his hood covering his face. He wore all black and could be very noticeable from a far view.

The unknown stranger blocked your way by placing his hands on both sides of you making it not as easy as it should be to escape from him. You did your best to hide your terrified look. Instead, you looked at him bold and brave, awaiting the worst that's coming your way.

"Ah, for a crazy girl, you do look pretty," his deep voice said, sending chills down your spine. "Ha! Me? Crazy? Yeah right!" you spat. Although, deep, deep inside, you were alarmed of how he would know about your past. Coincidence? I think not.

He let out fearsome chuckle. "Oh, how cute. You really think I don't know?" His every word spilled out of his mouth like venom. "You were such a nice, innocent, sweet girl, but oh! Where is she now?" You now knew you had a burning desire to kill that bastard. Rip him shreds to shreds and feed his remains to wolves.

"It's awful to know that your little brother just needed a change, but instead he wished for death!" he snarled. You felt tears brim in your eyes, threatening to spill everywhere.

You sensed your ability to breath decrease at that very moment. The man had his hands around your throat, crushing it, applying more and more pressure by the minute. 

Suddenly, you were lifted off the ground, still your throat in the grasps in the unknown. You were losing oxygen quickly. This wasn't the way you had thought you'd die. No, no. NO! You tried to let out a scream, but there was nothing. The only thing you heard was yourself, desperately trying to breath, but alas, you were not able to.

"[Y/N]! Where the hell are you?!" You felt relieved to hear the voice of none other Jeff. He may not like you, but he may be the only one to your rescue.

The man dropped you, before turning on his heel and bolted into the wilderness. 

You breathed in large amounts of oxygen, before dropping down back against the earth. You heard the crunch of leaves and you turned to the side to see a pair of converse sneakers. "What the hell, [Y/N]! What did you do!?" Jeff blurted out.

Your vision was getting blurry and Jeff's voice was becoming distant. Your eyes were close to shutting closed. You felt a pair of arms pick you up and carry you off somewhere. You automatically knew that it was Jeff the one carrying you back to the mansion, perhaps.

The last thing you saw was the passing of numerous trees, before you plunged into darkness.

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