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Nova POV
9:00 a.m.

I woke up to my alarm ringing very loud making me groan and sit up in my bed. I stared at the wall for about 2 minutes before getting out of bed going into my bathroom. I went in and brushed my teeth I didn't need to take a shower since I took one last night. I washed my face before leaving out of the bathroom. I looked down at my outfit which was a blue spaghetti strap t-shirt and some orange fluffy shorts. I walked down stairs to see my mama in the kitchen cooking breakfast.

"Goodmorning mom" I said sitting at the kitchen counter.

"Goodmorning baby, could you go wake your sisters up for me your father has something to tell you guys and I need everybody up" she said fixing plates. I nodded before going back upstairs. I first went to ni'ari's room. I walked in to see her still sleeping, I woke her up and told her that mom said to get up. After I was done waking everyone up we all went back downstairs and sat at the kitchen counter. My mom gave us our plates and we began to eat.

My dad came downstairs a little while later. We said Goodmorning and went back to eating.

"So girls what I wanted to discuss with you this morning is that an old friend of mine has just moved out here and he wants to meet you guys and everything and so we can catch up on everything that has happened these past years. Now he has three sons and a wife and they will also be coming with him, they just touched down today and they will be coming to the house tomorrow." He said with a big smile on his face.

"Hopefully his wife is nice I could really use a friend" my mama said with a little smile.

"What time they coming" I asked eating my bacon.

"They will be here around 10:30 or 11:00 and they will be spending the whole day here" he said with a smile.

I finished eating my break fast and put my dishes in the sink and for the rest of the day I watched Netflix and then went to sleep waiting for the adventures Tomorrow would bring.


Next chapter finna be tuff🤩

Moniii outtttt!🥰🤍

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