The Clip

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Set in New York City Police Department
Olivia has just been given a journalist job and is also currently juggling with taking down New York's sex crimes. Detective Rollins congratulates Benson on the new job, she admits to her  "I didn't think you could pull it off with that interview you did"  Benson replies, "neither did I, but It's out there on social media" Benson gives a little chuckle knowing how well she did. Rollins asked Benson whether she thought it was a good idea telling the world her side of the story with her late mother's passing knowing the amount of mixed response she'd get, Benson gives Rollins the dissatisfying look with a quote she wrote while giving the interview - "my story, my life"

The next scene is set when Benson arrives home from work to be greeted by her son Noah
"Mummy, you're home" he says. Benson looks at Noah with her loving motherly eyes but the scene sets back from the past when benson's mother gives her the exact same look. Shrugging it off, benson tells Noah to go to bed
"I'll read you a bedtime story in a minute Noah, go and brush your teeth now"
"Ok mummy, hurry up" says Noah while skipping to the bathroom.

After benson puts Noah to bed, she goes to the kitchen grabs a bottle of wine by the side and comes to the living room to sit down with her laptop on the sofa. She lets out a huge sigh and is relieved to finally sit down and rest.
Taking a huge gulp from the glass, she opens her laptop and goes on the internet.

While browsing on the laptop, she comes across an archive file of an inmate from wentworth correctional Centre in Australia and was immediately taken in by the clip showing details of Joan Ferguson's escape and her interview stating the details of Bea Smith's murder. Taking another gulp from the glass, Benson reminisces the time she caught the dangerous criminal (William Lewis) who taunted her and kidnapped her, She shrugs it off and slams the laptop down looking down her glass and is overcome with sadness and sorrow.

The next morning, Benson contacts Rollins to ask her to go over to her place immediately after her shift, knowing Rollins has a morning shift and being in charge of the department, Benson says to Rollins on the phone "I need to see you urgently, send your cases to Detective Jeffries and come on over" Rollins asked what the urgent call is about to which Benson replies "I'll show you when you come here"

Detective Rollins turns up at bensons apartment - Benson makes a Rollins a drink, "So Liv, what's up? Asks Rollins.
"Something came up on the internet which I've been up half the night exploring this woman from Australia" to which Benson replies.
She picks up the laptop, opens it and shows Rollins what she's been doing the night before.

Rollins: "Oh my god, I saw this on the news a couple of years ago, but what's this got to do with sex crimes?"

Benson: "Does the name William Lewis mean anything to you?"

Rollins looked at Benson with a huge shock in her face like she's seen a ghost.

Benson: "I saw his face in my head last night while I was reading upon Ferguson's interview with the police, you know the kind that screws your head up in more ways than one?"

Rollins: "Stop beating yourself up liv, it happened years ago"

Benson: "yeah but this woman is just like Lewis, cold manipulative, a murderer, okay she's not a predator and hasn't been convicted of any sex crimes but.."

Rollins: "No Buts about it, why are you obsessed over this woman which isn't related to Lewis in any way?"

Benson: "because I'm intrigued to why she is the way she is, come on Amanda, you've always told me to go for the unexpected, especially since we've been in this profession for god knows how many years, but just something about Ferguson that reminds me of lewis, and maybe I'm crazy but I would kill to meet this woman for an exclusive interview, this could kickstart my journalism?"

Rollins: "I've heard enough, liv, it's not your call and this Ferguson shit is none of our  business or anything that relates to what we do, focus on something else and positive for you and Noah" - she gets up and go walks out the door. Benson looks at the laptop and suddenly pictures Lewis and Ferguson together in her head which drives her to stay in all morning and learn more about this woman she's so bizarrely obsessed about.
she immediately calls up the New York police department and requests for some time off to focus on her new journalism.

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