◇Dear Readers,◇

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And here's book number 3! The book some may have waited anxiously waited for. I will post the cast late tonight or tomorrow before chapter 1 is released.

As I said in the last book, there will be expectations in this book. I hope you all will enjoy, and I hope you will read until the end. I'll still update the chapters of book 1, so stay tuned to that as well.

I will update the chapters as I finish them. I'm still in school, but bare with me. However...there will not be more than one chapter day. I'll save the next one for another day.

Also, all of the chapter titles are in French. The first two words of the chapter will be Chapter and the chapter number. Hope that's okay with you guys.

Thank you guys and girls for being so supportive throughout this series and thank you for the feedback and positive comments. Enjoy!

Yes, we're starting off the book with an expectation.

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Don't forget to comment and read other stories of mine! Until the cast, ladies and gents!

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