Chapitre Huit

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Chapter 8

We walked into the kitchen. Well, I limped, but that was beside the point. My pack looked up and so did Sylver's brother, Tom. The Head Witch, Magline, stood up with a smile.

"Alpha," Dominic said, standing as well. "Are you sure it's okay for you to be walking around?"

"I'm fine, Beta," I said with a small smile. Magline gestured towards the two empty seats beside her. I sat in the one right next to hers, and Sylver sat next to me.

I was on her right side, and across from me was my Beta, Dominic. Beside him was his mate and Sylver's brother, Tom. Sean and Drane sat on my side: Sean on the right beside Sylver, Drane on the left. Bentley sat beside Tom.

"How is your leg?" The witch questioned. I looked up at her.

"The outside closed, but since a silver bullet pierced my leg, my muscles will take at least a week - if not longer - to heal. I don't know how far the silver spread throughout my body, so it's hard to know when it will be fully healed," I answered with a serious tone. I seen my mate slightly jump back at my tone.

"I see." She went back to eating for a few minutes. I looked around.

"Where's the others? There were at least five times this many people."

"They all eat in the second and third kitchen." I nodded and stayed silent, staring at the food on my plate. My stomach begged for the food, but I wasn't in the mood to eat. Dom stopped eating, staring at me with worry.


"Which one of you had the kit?" I interrogated. I needed to inject my leg before the silver did real damage, causing me to either lose my ability to shift or cause me to never be able to walk. The pack doctor made sure to pack the cure for wolfsbane and silver.

Bentley stood up. He left and returned with the kit. He handed it to me, and I opened it. This was the cure for the silver. Sylver and the Head Witch looked over my shoulder at it.

I glared at the needles, already hating the idea. I pulled one out, twirling it between my fingers while I closed the kit, handing it back to my Third in Command. I stood up, half limping into the living room.

How much silver was in me? I wondered. I inserted the needle into my thigh right as Dom and Sylver bounded into the room. I almost went limp as the cure spread throughout my body. I yanked the needle out swiftly, dropping it on the ground.

The cylinder object shattered, and Sylver caught me in his beefy arms. How lovely in this situation. He held my head on his shoulder while his fingers combed through my dark hair. My entire leg was numb, and I couldn't feel anything. Not even the previous scorching, blood curdling pain.

My mate tucked me into his arms, carefully standing up. Dominic winced at the scent of the cure flooding the room. While my Beta dealt with the mess I accidentally made, Sylver returned me to the kitchen, easily setting me in my chair.

"I'm sorry about the smell, boys," I apologized. The witches, Tom, and Sylver glanced around at us in confusion. They couldn't smell the difference in the air, but my scent changed a small amount. It had a tint of the cure mixed in with it. I have no idea what my actual scent is, and I really couldn't ask Sylver because his answer would be different from a wolf's.

He could only smell the scents that were on me, not how I smelled to a wolf. do I say this? Like the scent I give off during heat. Each werewolf has their own personal scent that is unique to them alone. That's how we find each other and recognize who is who.

"Are you all right?" Magline questioned. I nodded, sending her a reassuring smile from my seat. "Thank goodness."

"When we leave, I might need to get a ride," I explained, looking at my gamma and twin generals. They nodded, and I patted my mate's shoulder. "He'll need a ride, too."

"I'm taking my own mate, so you three negotiate," Dominic said, returning to the kitchen. Tom gulped at the sight of all the glass, and both of us stiffened at the sight of the crimson red blood smeared on his hands. "Bent, give me a hand would ya?"

Bently instantly stood to his feet, taking the dustpan of glass from his hands. Dom finally relaxed like a heavy weight was lifted from his bleeding hand. Bently glanced at me, silently asking what to do with it.

In the solid crate we brought for them. Seal the lid so no one can get in it, and keep the key with you at all times.

He nodded, disappearing from the room. Running water caught my attention, and I glanced over at a hissing beta. He snarled as the water splashed into the cuts. Tom stood up subconsciously, making his way towards his mate. I smiled sadly at the sight.

When everyone got back, we ate in utter silence. The only sound that could be heard was the sound of the silverware scrapping against the glass plates. I just wanted the rest of this trip to be normal and go smoothly. I'm already injured, and we haven't even been here for ten hours. Why must these missions be so complicated and always give me a hastle.

I just wanted to go home after this day...

My thoughts were interrupted by an explosion sound outside. I dropped my fork, and Dominic and I were out the door before anyone could flinch.

 I dropped my fork, and Dominic and I were out the door before anyone could flinch

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I am only updating on Holidays.

☘ ☘ 🍀 ☘ ☘


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(April 5th)

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