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Camila awoke in a room that was not her own. Clean lines and no clutter. Heavy curtains kept the dark from escaping into the morning light. Moving slowly, she pulled the covers off and stood. She was in her underwear. Her clothes were neatly folded on the dresser. Clean and dry. She crept to the window, parted the curtains, and looked out over Lake Eola. She frowned. An apartment in the city overlooking Lake Eola. She didn't know where the hell she was. But she was alive. That was something, at least. Camila grabbed her clothes, put them on. Her phone was gone. She started to reach for the glass of water by her bed, but stopped, remembering the Coke.

There was a bathroom, clean and polished, looking like it had never been used, and she drank from the faucet and wiped her mouth. Then she went to the door, put her ear against it, heard nothing. She opened it, hesitated, and stepped out. The apartment was vast, impressive, and utterly devoid of personality. It looked like the penthouse suite of a hotel. Everything was clean and in place. Every colour matched, every curve and line complemented the curves and lines around it. It had all been designed to cohere, to fit, to belong. There was a designer kitchen to her left, all gleaming metal with a huge breakfast island, and a balcony to her right, a view of the city beyond, all glass and palm trees, and ahead of her was the way out.

She was halfway to the door when she noticed Imelda standing in the living room, her back to her. She was on the phone, listening while someone spoke. Camila reached the apartment door, opened it silently, and stepped out into the corridor. White walls. She moved up to the corner, and peered round. At the end of the corridor was the elevator, the door to the stairwell, and a window. Standing at that window, looking out over the skyline, was the most beautiful girl she had ever seen. A girl, who looked about her age, Dressed in black jeans, black Metallica T-shirt and battered black cowboy boots. On the side table behind her there was a mirror, a bowl of potpourri and a shotgun.

Camila stared at the shotgun. She pressed herself back against the wall and closed her eyes. She was breathing too loud. She was breathing too loud and she'd hear her, she knew she would. She peeked out again. She was still looking out of the window. The shotgun was still there. She had no choice. She couldn't go back, and she couldn't stay where she was. She had to do something. She had to move forward. Fighting the urge to break into a sprint, Camila took small, slow steps. She got to the side table without making a sound, then picked up the shotgun. It clinked slightly on the table and the girl turned from the window.

She was good-looking, somewhere between 16-17. Her black hair cascaded down back, sitting below her shoulders. Her narrow eyes were calm. "You should put that down before it goes off, " She said. "Get out of my way. Get out of my way or I'll ... I'll shoot you." "Your hands are trembling, " She said. "Give it to me." She reached her left hand forward slowly and Camila took a single step back and then there was somehow a pistol in her other hand, and she was aiming it right at her head. "Now you're really scared, " She said. "Now you want to run screaming. That's perfectly understandable. But I'm not going to move.

You're not getting past me." "Please, " she said, the shotgun shaking badly in her grip now. "They're trying to kill me." "Then why aren't you dead?" She asked. "Put the shotgun back on the table and go back inside the apartment." Tears ran down her face. "Please don't make me." "Put down the shotgun." "I don't understand what's going on." "I'm not the one who's going to explain it to you. Either shoot me or put down the shotgun." Camila shook her head, but found herself putting the weapon on the side table, anyway. The girl slid her pistol into a holster on her belt before picking up the shotgun. "Probably wasn't even loaded, " she said quietly, chuckling. "No, it was, " the girl responded.

"You would have cut me in two if you'd pulled that trigger. Go back inside, Camila. Talk to Imelda." She didn't have much of a choice. Camila walked back the way she'd come, hesitated at the apartment door, and then walked in. Imelda saw her, held up a finger for Camila to wait. "We're keeping tabs on all of her friends, aren't we?" she said into the phone pressed to her ear. "Exactly. I wouldn't worry about this, Kirsty. We'll find her. It's only a matter of time. Okay, I've got to go.

I want to check out the principal of her school." She listened. "Because after that wonderful display yesterday, she knows for certain that the principal isn't in league with us. Yes, I am clever. I'll call you if I hear anything. Bye now." Imelda hung up. "Want some breakfast?" she asked, walking to the kitchen. She poured orange juice into a tall glass and placed it beside an assortment of croissants and pastries. Then she looked back at Camila and waited. "What's happening?" Camila said. "It really is a long story, " Imelda said. "There's a girl outside with a gun."

"That's a friend of mine, Lauren Jauregui. You don't have to worry about her. You have to worry about your parents." "What's wrong with them?" Imelda managed a smile. "You think they're behaving oddly? That's just because you don't know them very well."

"They're demons. Monsters."

"Oh, Camila ... We're all monsters. Metaphorically, I mean. The whole human race. We hate, we kill, we do terrible things to each other and to the planet. But we are also, in our case, actual monsters. With horns." "I really don't understand any of this, " said Camila. "Please just tell me what's happening."

"I'm going to explain everything. But to start with I'll have to show you. I'm going to change now, all right? I'm going to turn into ... well, into a monster, just like your parents. And I want you to remain calm. Can you do that?" Camila swallowed, and nodded. "I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to show you." "Okay." "You're sure?" "Yes." "Okay. Once again, I want you to remain calm. You're perfectly safe." Imelda's skin turned red and her teeth grew sharp and she had black horns and it all took less than a heartbeat. Camila screamed, picked up a potted plant and threw it, but it fell short and smashed to the floor.

"You killed Henry, " Imelda said, dismayed. "Help me!" Camila screamed. "You're panicking, " said Imelda. "You're a monster!" Camila screeched. "This is not news to me." Camila sprinted for the door. "You tried that, remember?" A wave of pain swept through Camila, making her stagger but not fall. She pushed herself away from the door and ran for the window. "What, you're going to jump?" Imelda asked. "Really? We're on the thirty-fifth floor." Camila grabbed a cushion off the couch and held it out with both hands. "I'm not entirely sure what you mean to do with that, " Imelda admitted.

"You're a monster, " Camila said, her voice cracking. "Yes, " said Imelda. "And I hate to break it to you, sweetie, but so are you." Camila looked at her hands. Looked at how red they were. Looked at the black nails that had pierced the cushion she held. "Oh my God, " she said, feeling how her tongue brushed against teeth that were somehow longer than they had been a moment earlier. Her head swam. She raised her hands, felt horns. "Oh God. Help me. Please ..." Imelda the Monster walked forward slowly.

"Camila, I need you to calm down ..." Camila backed away unsteadily, leaving a trail of floating feathers in her wake. She began to cry. "Stay away from me." "You asked me to help you. I'm helping you." "Stay back, " said Camila, voice breaking. "Okay." "Help me."

"Make up your mind," said Imelda with a faint smile. "Please, just ... why do I have horns?" "Because you're like me, " said Imelda. "You're like your parents, and Grant and Kirsty and Alastair. You're a demon, sweetie."

The word stuck in Camila's mind like a bone in her throat, so that she barely registered Imelda darting towards her until it was too late to do anything about it. "Sorry about this, " Imelda said, and punched her into unconsciousness.

authors note:


told you lauren would be introduced soon :)

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