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Once I'm dressed appropriately and a bit sexy for Lisa , I've missed having time like this with her I turn to see her ready and watching me.

"Oh your ready" I say with a happy smile as I walk towards her and help her with her tie

Her hands hold my waist as she looks at me , god I could melt with the way her eyes look at me , I know I'm so loved by her , she doesn't even need to say it for me to know.

"You are so good looking" I say once I've completed her tie and I appreciate the view in front of me. Fuck I married someone off the magazines , Lisa's unreal.

"If you think I'm good looking then you should see yourself right now , because I don't even feel like" before Lisa can even finish her sentence I walk away , knowing she would probably cancel our date to stay at home and kiss and fuck.

Although I wouldn't mind , I really miss having time with Lisa.

I hear Lisa laugh and run to me as she kisses my lips so passionately

"On another day I would of ripped this dress that's showing way too much skin" she says as her hands caresses up my arm , her eyes are filled with lust

"But I've missed you" she says genuinely as she kisses me

I know Lisa misses time with me and I know I give a lot of time to Lia , I mean have you seen Lia , the baby is a living monster , she broke the TV yesterday , and that was because I turned around for 5 seconds.

Imagine why I have to give me 100% to Lia.

When Lisa has her , she has to give her 100% to Lia as well so we barely have time to just kiss unless Lia is asleep.

But by night time we are exhausted , but I love my beautiful daughter unconditionally even if she's a pain up the ass. I would never be a mother who ditched or who left their children intentionally or unintentionally , I don't want Lia to go through even half of what I went through.

Once Lisa and I drive off and have the best date ever , she takes me to the rooftop and the live band stands there playing music whilst we dance alone , it feels as if no one is there and it's just us two , once she spins me she drops to her knees and my heart falls into my mouth because I lose my ability to speak.

"Jennie Kim , I fell in love with you the day I laid eyes on you , you may not see what I see but I promise to remind you everyday how beautiful you are , I love you unconditionally, uncontrollably , I love you so much it hurts and I want you to be mine for the rest of our lives , your the best mom to our baby Lia , even if she drives us mad, I want more crazy babies with you , please marry me" she says with so much nerves , it's cute seeing Lisa this nervous but before I could even respond I burst in tears and cover my face from tears

"Yes yes yes"

The band and the waitresses and waiters begin cheering and clapping , it makes me feel even more shy but Lisa carries me as she lifts me up on my feet as I hug her and kiss her ear before I fully wrap my arms around her.

She spins me in the hug and once I'm on the ground again I pull her tie and kiss her lips

"I love you so much thank you for this Lisa , I can't wait to spend every single day with you" I say with happy tears.

"Let's go home , you've made me a happy woman I wanna reward you" I say with a smile as I pull her tie and walk off , she follows me giggling.

Moral of the story is ladies and gentleman , be a good person regardless , even if you feel as if your life has hit rock bottom and you have no hope , god tests us in so many ways.

Maybe you will have a Lisa come into your life who pulls you out of the darkness.

Good things happen to good people.

The END.

My visit to South Korea // JENLISA Where stories live. Discover now